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Everything posted by cassius

  1. IAs a hobbyist I find motivation from solving a gameplay problem and getting it right. This encourages me to go on.I have always planned to have a test project where I can experiment,. One thing I would like to do is have an oildrum that explodes and bursts into flame. I think I know how to do it but so far I have been too lazy to try.
  2. Strange. Its already on the floor.
  3. If I load my model into blender how do I recognise the origin and move it?
  4. ok thanks. The model looks fine in my other project where it is loaded in using code. I might do the same again, its only a couple of lines of code.
  5. in the editor the physics cylinder only covers top half of character.
  6. My character ( an orc) is buried up to waist level when the game is run despite being placed correctly on the terrain. I have had this prob before but cannot remember how I fixed it.
  7. My character ( an orc) is buried up to waist level when the game is run despite being placed correctly on the terrain. I have had this prob before but cannot remember how I fixed it.
  8. if I place a character on the map it is half hidden in terrain when I run the game.I have physics set as character controller and mass set at 30.In the past I have used code to load and place characters .I know this question has come up before but I can't find answer. Any help???
  9. I can't see world:FindEntity in the api docs.Am I missing something?
  10. Hi. In Blender 2.8 you can use an image as a texture or you can use texture paint. Is texture painting of meshes usable with leadwerks?
  11. Thanks. Looks like problem may be in visual studio. My project runs fine in release mode but in debug mode the character is above terrain level.and movement slow and jerky.. While coding in release mode alterations are ignored despite a rebuild.
  12. Having probs with my project since update to le4.6. Is there a way to retrieve le 4.5 if I need to?
  13. Reinstalled Leadwerks and its all ok now.
  14. Hi. I started a new project and transferred my old source files to source dir in place of the new ones.When I build the code in visual studio I get 250 errors, none of which are my code. It can't find header files such as ogg.h. Does anyone know the correct path to set so it can find the h files?The project is in documents\leadwerks\project name
  15. Welcome back.I think Josh intends to keep le4 going even after turbo comes along . Maybe someone can confirm that?
  16. I use c++ too. A first person example would suit me as changing it to a third person game is not too difficult.My decision whether to buy the next game engine(turbo) will not depend entirely on examples but rather on price, I won't pay monthly.
  17. crouch works in my game but it was written a couple of years ago. maybe something changed.
  18. Just heard of a new 3d app called rocket 3f. I think there is a free version, anyone know if its worthwhile?
  19. Watched a lot of videos on this subject but found them too elaborate and hard to follow .Fell asleep after a while, so I decided to have another go.myself. Heres what I have... 1 a default cube in edit mode. 2 clicked on uv edit and loaded in a image texture, 3 Now have cube in one window and texture in another What do I do next? Anyone help?. clicked on unwrap but nothing visible happened.
  20. Running games in game launcher presents a problem when they end. Three options appear on the screen which you can click on. The problem is there is no mouse pointer visible so its difficult to close the game. Good coding should provide more than one way of ending a game, such as a key press. Or is it just my machine that has a problem?
  21. The lights work fine in my other project, so maybe its beacause the room is too small. I will try placing a box in the room and then place the light in the box position.. Sometimes its difficult to judge if a light is actually In the room. Thanks for reply.
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