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Everything posted by cassius

  1. When my game starts the main player controlled character is up and walking before the skybox is formed.Its not a big deal but looks bad.In my c++ listing the skybox load and display code is high up under the map loading routine.This problem seemed to come after the 3.2 standalone update.
  2. Apart from sending Josh a pm whats the procedure for changing to steam version? Also if we stay with standalone will eventual updates ALWAYS be available?
  3. Welcome.On the scripting side my advice would be try something very simple at first.
  4. I just get my onster to follw player when a certain distance away using GetDistance So the player controls when the following starts.
  5. As far as I know most of the documentation is there.Updates sometimes cause a lag however.
  6. Was it edit/Select surface ?
  7. I don't use fbx. I load uu3d format model into uu3d and center and scale the model. Then save as mdl.
  8. I put everything in same folder, no problems.It would help also if textures had more relevant names
  9. Ok . Think I got it working. thanks.
  10. Its been a long time since I extracted anims and now I am getting stuck.Maybe someone can help. I do the first sequence ok but when I enter the start and finish numbers for the next sequence they change to something else. After the first one how do I select subsequent sequences. I am not using names.
  11. Ah yes. It reminds me of when I was a butcher. Very good.
  12. Yeah. My mistake. It works now. Thanks for reply.
  13. When I Import a model into my 3d app ( ac3d ) I can only select the whole object.I cannot change or re- texture individual parts of the imported model Is this the same in all 3d apps such as Blender?
  14. Up to now none whatsoever but I probably will need some lua soon.
  15. Thanks for the advice, its what I suspected.I will stick to single characters for now.
  16. I am thinking of getting some obm character from arteria but would first like to know if they are hard to sort out with regard to body parts and textures. Anyone tried them yet and had issues?
  17. Yeah. Hijackers at work ( again)...but interesting read.
  18. Yeah. My map is only 1024 by 1024 and has three villages and three castles and yet there is still a lot of empty land to fill. It takes my character ages to walk across it.So 4096? that will take some doing.
  19. I know there are games where characters can cast a spell . but I have never played such a game.How can I show a visible manifestation of a spell when a certain key is pressed?
  20. cassius


    For what its worth theres a 4 second delay before grenades go off. I know cos I have thrown them during military service.
  21. Count me in on all the above remarks.
  22. Yeah. It was four times too big. ( a castle model ) thanks again.
  23. Just bought castle model from arteria.The model shows up in the sidepanel with textures as usual but when I drag it onto scene all I get is the manipulaters but no model.I tried converting 3 different formats, fbx dae and obj.No dice. I seem to recall this happening to someone else and wonder how it can be fixed. Oh and it is not visible in model editor
  24. There are lua tutorials by aggror. I don;t use lua myself but maybe if you could show how far you have got it should be possible to get help.
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