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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I am not sure we can expect the editor to become a fully fledged 3d app but something like 3dws would be great.
  2. You can export to gmf from 3dws and then change extension to mdl I just did it five minutes ago.It needs version 5.6 of 3dws which was issued especially for le 2 users.
  3. I have used uu3d to make a character face the opposite way using rotate around the y or z coord, can't remember which.Would that work for you?
  4. Being able to place lights in perspective widow would be high on my list.
  5. Something I missed. Whats the purpose of " shape hint "
  6. Why not just use the promotions section . call it assets and promotions.
  7. As a standalone user I would love to see the old asset store come back. It would reassure me that stanalonerers are not second class citizens.A feeling I sometimes get.
  8. I enjoyed the gameplay and the graphics but found the dialog irritating after a short time. Good effort though. EDIT: ...but what do I know??
  9. Same here thanks shadmar. The shadows are very dark on my screen, more like California than Europe weather. But at least we got some shadows.
  10. I have done clean install twice and started new project. I have run the editor 6 times but still have no shadows since update.
  11. anyone else got this prob after update? or anyone NOT got it ( using windows edition)
  12. Don.t know about lua, but there is a "follow" command in the command reference.It will make enemies follow main character. EDIT; providing you build navmesh.
  13. A clean install made no difference errors still there. The updater aso gave 2 errors "setup.exe does not match srver size anda similar one for caulk material.
  14. I just copied th shader lighting and terrain folders into my project\shaders folder manualy. Mkes no difference During the download I received 11 files but when I updated project only three were updated.
  15. When editor loads I get he following error about 10 ties. error: uniform"shadowmapsize" not a vec2 value
  16. I got the same problem no shadows anywhere after recent update. I updated my project (3files updated). Makes no difference. I updated my drivers to NVidia 344.11. The whole scene flickers a lot also, which did not happen before. Edit:I am getting errors in red when editor loads about "uniform shadowmap size"
  17. le 2 had water built in. I am hoping Josh will bring it back for le 3.3
  18. I have noticed in le2 and le 3.1 that things like guns and swords often partly protrude thru walls etc. but Making their physic shape too big may stop the character going thru doorways.
  19. //Create the player player = Pivot::Create(); player->SetPosition(0.0,1.309,0.5); player->SetMass(50); player->SetPhysicsMode(Entity::CharacterPhysics); jane.model->SetPosition(player->GetPosition()); Heres my similar code . replace jane.model with cylinder.
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