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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Thanks fellas I think its sinking in.
  2. I have been looking up the meaning of this keyword " virtual" and although theres no shortage of explanations I am too thick to understand any of them. I know it can be used with classes or functions though. Anyone willing to take a shot at explaining this keyword??
  3. II don;t think I will ever get my head around all this steam ****.le2 was so straight forward Josh fixed the bugs and the update followed quickly. Ah well.
  5. Rick is correct about c++ being harder than lua but in the long run c++ is more usefull to know. Le 3.1 uses a subset of c++ which makes things a lot easier.You don't need to learn the whole language before starting a game.Just learn the basics and then go by the command reference.
  6. ok thanks. I found the videos but cannot find the code to download.
  7. The asset pipeline is better on le3.2 navigation is better on le 3.2 .....and lots more.
  8. Where is a link to Aggrors le 3.0 c++tutorials such as 3rd person camera? Thanks.
  9. If you meant how to avoid camera becoming unsighted behind walls then raycasting is one answer and Aggrors c++ tutorial has an example.
  10. Its the player that collides not the camera.Agggror creates a pivot for the player. This is what collides with stuff. I am referring to the Aggror c++ tutorial.
  11. Thanks for the clarification.I will stay with standalone for a while.....see how it goes.I just wanted to be sure I was not wating for updates that will never come.
  12. All I want is an assurance that updates will continue for existing owners. I see that only the indie version is offered on steam.or at least I never saw reference to standard version.
  13. Since the store tab now redirects to steam does this mean the standalone is no longer on sale? Will standalone owners still get updates if they want to stay with standalone version ?
  14. Well I have been waiting for water and standalone navmesh bug fixes since early june. I was hoping to see version 3.3 containing these things available pretty soon. It looks like standalone users will not be invited to the party when all these animated characters and stuff come out.
  15. Its in tools\options in the editor. sandbox lua...what is its purpose? I did a google but the posts all assume you know what it is.
  16. Why not have an asset store as well as steam.
  17. How do I become eligible to buy off steam when these models are available.
  18. Will it be available to all of us or just workshop cltents?
  19. Yeah. I think the need for programming puts some people off. I see that fixing existing bugs is well supported. For me getting bug fix updates more often for standalone would have been worth voting for.
  20. Sometimes parenting can cause flicker during lateral movement. In my 3rd person game I solved this by removing parenting and just placing the character in the entity position in the main loop. But maybe that's not the same as your problem.
  21. Thanks for reminding me mack. I had forgotten I had that plugin.
  22. The single characters from arteria are easier to handle.You DO need animation shader though. I load my characters into ultimate unwrap and save them as gmf files (as in le2) then change the extension to mdl.
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