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Everything posted by cassius

  1. le 3xx had a different reg number than le 2.
  2. WEll my posts are designed to help but if you can't code then learn that first then worry about animation. I have been around for a long time and I know this forum is famous for being helpful. If you can show people some attempt at doing stuff they will help when you get stuck.
  3. You enter the start and end frame ( for "walk") or something)in the modell editor and that gives you the sequence number. then in the command reference you will find an example of the animation commands.
  4. I get my animated characters from dexsoft and ateria3d.I load them into the model editor and set all the sequences I need and check that they work. The in my code ( c++) I specify the sequence number then play the animation.Its much simpler than in le 2. EDIT: I am really puzzled at the problems people get, but maybe you are trying something more complex than that.
  5. contact support and explain the problem . Tell Josh what you did in a detailed way.
  6. I tried assembly language on a commodore 64 many years ago.It took me a whole evening to learn how to print my name on the screen. I decided life was too short for that and learned c language. I also learned Pascal ,modular 2 and variouse versions of basic.Turbo pascal came along and killed off modular 2. Its all c+ for me now but I do miss blitzmax.
  7. Before using this shader I got rid o my existing skybox and directional light.Was that the correct thing to do?
  8. Yeah I am sure some of them will get implemented in time.
  9. I find it hard to understand how you can buy he software and then not use the forum on a regualar basis. This kind of poll is good fun and Josh may pick up some ideas but I hope he mainly continues with his existing plans. AND I am pretty sure he will.
  10. A book was intended but Josh dropped the idea. Books get out of date very quickly.
  11. Did you go into user preferences/ addons and select the item then save user prefs?
  12. There was adjustable friction in le2. Don't know about le 3.2.In le2 an object with no friction would slide as though on ice when colliding.
  13. Rick does 1 on 1 teaching of lua.I would take a look at that possibility. Learning to code is well worthwhile if you want to progress.
  14. If I want a certain event to occur only after dark in my game,is there a way I can tell my game it is nighttime?
  15. Thanks. Camera range option works in c++.
  16. when using a skydome or shadmars day/night shader I get a black blob on the horizon which varies in size according to camera angle.It is obviously the skydome not fitting properly.My terrain is 1024.Tried scaling and changing position with only partial success.Any suggestions?
  17. I would rather marry a woman who made the nights longer.It takes longer to do everything when you are old.
  18. Suprb, thanks. How can I make the day last longer?
  19. Having the player fall off the edge of a terrain is something to avoid if possible. A range of high mountains around the edge of terrain may solve this problem but usualy does not look good or real. Thats why I like to have an island surrounded by water.My current terrain is temporary until we get water.Can.t come quick enough.
  20. All the stuff we had in le 2 should come along in time. Otherwise whats the point?
  21. Take a look at the lua tutorias l by aggror.
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