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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I was reffering to recent updates in josh;s latest blog.
  2. When will standard users get these updates.Skybox in particular.
  3. Yeah. Its not a good idea to encourage these weird pricing policies. Three cheers for gimp and blender. They save us a fortune.
  4. alrusdi : default material produced with expot.
  5. Can you supply more info.Like what graphics card you use etc.
  6. Yes. its user preference addons then save user preference.
  7. Just made two models in Blender which exported ok exept the material produced was blank white.
  8. Thanks. Got it set up in blender ok.
  9. There are some good c++ tutorials by aggror.First person and third person setups.They are not complete game levels but are enough to get you started if you have a little coding experience. Josh may produce more in the future as he ha in the past ( island demo in le2) but a complete level with assets s unlikely.
  10. Did you get the desktop version of vs?
  11. cassius

    Veg material

    I think I used diffuse+normal+alphatest.Looks ok but not as good as in le2 EDIT: or was it alphamask? Not really my speciality
  12. cassius


    In le 3.0 the character had no problem climbing stairs in same castle. Code is unaltered.
  13. cassius


    I don;t know. Is there a step height that can be adjusted?
  14. cassius


    I purchased a model castle but my character will not climb stairs. I know I can put invisible ramp over stairs but before trying that is there a coding way of solving problem? Thanks.
  15. I have le 3.1 standard version and have had nothing to do with steam. Now I am wondering about workshop. Is there anything in it for me and if so how do I become eligible? In short what do I have too to get my grubby hands on the goodies in workshop?
  16. If you can use c++ you can write bigger games than in lua and have use of many c++ libraries.
  17. Standard version includes c++ and/or lua script option.
  18. where did the idea for t name come from?
  19. Yeah two steps back and one step forward is the way it goes .le 3.1 could do with an official demo showing terrain with skybox, water and all those other goodies .le 3.0 was a downgrade compared to le 2.5, but time will tell.
  20. There is a skydome around that works with 3.1.Util something official turns up.
  21. Thanks for the advice. I went for a Dell Inspiron with a similar spec to the Acer suggested by Josh. http://www.dell.com/uk/p/inspiron-17-3737/pd?oc=cn37314&model_id=inspiron-17-3737
  22. I am looking to purchase a new laptop so I can run le at night when I am away on holiday. I don't care if the framerate is lower than my desktop as its only for temp use. But it MUST run le.Any help is appreciated. Will be purchased in uk.
  23. Takes a while to learn c++ . I would try developing one of aggrors tutorials first and the when experienced start converting your dos games.
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