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Everything posted by cassius

  1. download not working as of now. EDIT: Ok it IS working. Thanks.
  2. I think this problem was something other than filename length as described in Einlander thread today. EDIT Sorry it was yougrooves thread answered by Einlander.
  3. I had simiar problem with textures from cg textures . I thought it was the long filename that caused the problem as it became ok once I changed the name but maybe Einlander is right.
  4. cassius


    The idea in my game is this: Main character walks into room. Enemy closes door from outside locking main character in rom. The door is open and then closes.After that it is never opened again.A sliding door might be easier but I will try normal door first using code. II don;t think I need pivot.
  5. If I place a model in the editor how do refer to it in c++ code? Thanks.
  6. cassius


    Yeah I was considering that. It works ok as it is, but I may try placing it in the editor and use its classname as reference. Thanks for help.
  7. cassius


    Does this look ok. door.model->SetPosition(-239.9, 9.46, 316.03); Shape* doorshape = Shape::Box(); door.model->SetShape(doorshape); door.model->SetCollisionType(Collision::Prop); door.model->SetMass(0.0); doorshape->Release();
  8. cassius


    Can I assign a shape in code?
  9. cassius


    The door is placed in position with the code, not in the editor.
  10. cassius


    My character walks straight thru this door. Am I missing something? void setup_door() { door.pivot = Pivot::Create(); door.pivot->SetCollisionType(Collision::Prop); door.pivot->SetPosition(-239.9,9.46,316.03); door.model->SetPosition(door.pivot->GetPosition()); door.pivot->SetMass(0.0); } EDIT: The door is in closed position
  11. I havn;t seen any updates to the non steam standard version for some time. I check every day.
  12. I am hoping that future versions will not be a compete re-write of the engine but just new added features.
  13. Take the plonge . Go for the c++ version straight away.I think you will enjoy it.
  14. The directional light is supposed to be the sun. That's the one to use for terrain lighting
  15. No I don;t have 3d coat. I just have a gripe about these high speed video tutorials that are useless as teaching tools. You can see the model being crafted but little indication as to HOW.
  16. Yeah. You reach a point where you can't work anymore without optimization.
  17. Will this naming sequences be optional? I have written a fair bit of code using numbers.
  18. How about non steam users? Wil we still have the asset store?
  19. When I set sync to false I get around fps 113 which is not brilliant compared with le 2 results .Also my player moves much slower than when sync is set to true. I now have no point lights
  20. Yeah it was a case of mistaken identity. I did not manage to get my project to run in code::blocks and even if I had I would still need vs to start project until we get a template.
  21. Those vids are too hard to follow. Too fast and lacking in detailed info.
  22. Its ok. I was being stupid.I had a file on c drive called leadwerks which I mistook for the real leadwerks which is in programf iles. Thanks anyway.
  23. That's strange. All I have in eadwerks dir I a folder called projects.There is not even leadwerks.exe, but I run it ok from the shortcut so it must be somewhere.
  24. Can anyone tell me where leadwerks.h is located.
  25. What graphics card? I have level with 10 buildings a terrain and lots o furniture an I get a steady 59 fps with synch set to true and 113 fps with synch set to false. I have 1directional light and 8 spotlghts.
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