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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I can;t find leadwerks.h. In the leadwerks root dir I can see one folder called projects. I have opted to show hidden files.
  2. I tried to run my vs solution in code::blocks . It loaded ok but could not find leadwerks.h. I can;t find it either. Mabe have to wait for a template.
  3. That's great for team workers.For me and my bad eyesight prefabs are easier to see in the asset browser without textures etc.
  4. I just checked vs 2013 and it says it is icenced to me. I don't recall signing in for it although I did for vs 2010 sometime ago.
  5. When converting a model into a prefab do you have to keep the original model and its textures etc?
  6. That's great.Looks like I will be doing more prefabbing.
  7. What are the advantages of turning a model into a prefab? Prefab were broke in 3.0 so I have only just started to consider them.
  8. Sounds like le 3.1 is the right engine for you. Le2 was fantastic and 3.1 potentially even better. its a great forum too.
  9. Well theres no sure way of knowing If your investment in le is future proof but if the Linux version sales look good then no doubt it will be further developed. and the price s good.
  10. I just delete model and material folders and replace them with my own.
  11. Setting shadowMode to Static when charater is dead gets rid of the problem
  12. This may be the light penetration problem mentioned in a thread a few months ago.
  13. There is a demo in lua called darkness awaits which some have found usefull. It has recently been updated for le 3.1. I don;t know its location but maybe smeone can help.
  14. Yeah. When the character falls it DOES go partly into the floor.Maybe I can cut out a few frames near the end. EDIT: But the whole shadow can be seen.
  15. There are aggrors c++ tutorials . They are very good.
  16. When an enemy character is killed in the upper floor of a house its shadow goes thru floorboards to floor below.I could turn off setshadowmode or try rotating the upstairs spotlight to solve problem. But is it a bug?
  17. The problem with 3d apps is there is too big a gap in pricing between the cheaper ones and the big names like autodesk. Silo ac3d and hexagon re all cheaper and quite good but have no animation. Theres no mid price range. I would pay up to $350 for such an app but that's my limit.
  18. Yougroove is right. autodesk apps are a bit expensive in my pinion though they are very good .For that kinda loot you could have weekend vacation and still have money left to buy half a dozen models.
  19. Yes. You are right. Strange I got errors when I placed it above main loop before. Now its acceping it.
  20. Thanks. it only seems to work when placed in main loop.Is that correct?
  21. I can't find SetShadowMode in command ref. Is it still valid in 3.1 ( in c++ )?
  22. When textures have a long filename they produce white mat files in the editor.if you shorten the filename they work ok.Happened 3 times EDIT:l;e 3.1 standard
  23. cassius


    I need to check the speed of a character when airborne.Can someone guide me to the correct function? Thanks.
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