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Everything posted by cassius

  1. This needs fixing quickly so people can make progress with their game dev.You can't wait months for this one.
  2. I may use Linux when standard version of le 3.1 comes out. Whats thebes way to go about installing it.? I know there are install instructions with the install but would like an overview of the situation . Is it best to install to my external drive ( for example)
  3. I don;t read Russian either but I recognised the words "drag and drop"
  4. Yes all these things would be very usefull but Leadwerks is a small team an it might bemany monhs before any of them are implemented. so unless you are prepared to wait ( and hope) then its best to follow existing examples. I don't use lua so I have not checked for example code but theres plenty for c++ written and videod by aggro.
  5. Thanks for replies. I will try the timer first then the y see. See which works best.
  6. What is your graphics card? Is it compatible with opengl 4?
  7. Don;t know much about this subject but someone recently had problems caused by baking.
  8. I have asked this question before but can't remember what replies I got I want my main character to die if it falls or jumps from a great height, but not for a short distance. Apart from knowing the character will be airborne I can't think of anything else to test it. Anyone know how to handle this?
  9. if you don;t have a theme someone may just submit an existing game
  10. As far as I can see the editor responses are normal speed. The only thing that bugs me is the time it takes to load itself and the time it takes to load run the game
  11. Hexagon is quite good. I got it when it cost mney I don't know if the free version is fully featured, but maybe it is.
  12. Has anyone had a problem with NVidia graphics driver 334.89. I don;t have le 3.1 yet but would like to avoid problems when I get it.
  13. Thanks for answers. I don;t have 3.1 yet , just thinking in advance. I have only played around with 3.0 but will get serious when 3.1 standard comes out.
  14. Surprised so many people still using le2.I still take a look at my le2 game,We shouldn;t have to depend on having an internet connection. The british winter often brings down power lines and some people are isolated for several days.
  15. In my le2 game I set the enemy characters to follow my main (third person ) character.When my main character jumped over a hole in the ground the pursuing enemy would fall into the hole. But now with navmesh the enemy are intelligent enough to walk around the hole.How can I override this, anyone know?
  16. gmf format automatically converts to mdl in le 3.0. Has that changed in 3.1?
  17. 3d world studio is an alternaive. On windows 7 64 it you need to run it in xp2 compatability mode. Don't think it will run on win 8.
  18. That looks good. You must be a natural.
  19. Blender is not an "easy" 3d app.It is unconventional and a bit of an oddball. Yes it has most of what you want (if you can find it) I had to google to find "select all" and "undo" and a number of other things which are easy to access in other 3d apps. Blender is good but not easy. Eit: Iwould reccomed gmax but for the lack of export options. Its old but its free.
  20. If you double click on your model in the asset browser the model editor will appear. You can generate normal maps by rigt clicking on your texture and choosing Generate nrmal map.
  21. ac3d is far easier than blender and its cheap. Bu no animation. Silo 2 is also good but again no animation.
  22. I can;t get Boolean to work.Am I missing smething?
  23. Its been out for some time.Very nice though.
  24. cassius


    Thanks. Great site for textures.
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