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Everything posted by cassius

  1. This happened to me some time ago. It worked ok after rebooting. Or you could reinstall from steam.
  2. .M know of a uk based engine that charges £40 for the engune and this includes free updates for one year.from date of purchase. They also have a free version with no updates. With the commercial version of course updating is optional.maybe something along these lines might work ok.
  3. thanks. I will give it a try.
  4. Hi! Is there a way of fixing fog so that main character can walk out of fog into a clear sunny patch.
  5. Why not just batch generate mat files and normal maps in the editor?
  6. cassius

    lost exe

    No. Had to start new project and switch files. No problem though it took ten minutes. Working now.But there must be a way.
  7. cassius

    lost exe

    I was running my game from inside visual studio when my pc suddenly rebooted. afterwards I found that my exe file had vanished.I ran it in release mode. Now vs says it can't find the exe file when I try to build it . Is there any way I can get it to build another exe. I have a copy but it will not let me copy and paste it. Something about administration rights.
  8. Thanks Roland You have made an old man happy.... ( in the fog)
  9. camera is created in code.
  10. When I set fog mode to true in editor the effect does not show up in game.. Is this intended? Using c++. Do I have to code it?
  11. File has now been submitted to bitdefender .
  12. No. My son arrived and used an on demand virus checker which found nothing. He knows more than I do about this subject and thinks there is nothing to worry about. Edit: The on demand virus checker is called Housecall.
  13. My game has been running ok in visual studio but now I get a runtime error " can't find symbol file" Anyone know what that means? There are no syntax errors.
  14. ut Malwarebytes free version cannot find this virus I can't figure why bitdefender has lived with leadwerks for so long without problems yet suddenly there is a problem. Theres some info on this virus on google.
  15. Thanks everyone. Got it working now. Had to change working dir path and retarget project.
  16. Nevermind . It seems two separate projects somehow got tangled up. Maybe that's why I still can't get my sln file to run. I am having a week of gremlins on my pc. It took 5 attempts to reinstall le the other day.
  17. I just created a blank project called myproject and I notice that some folders are in more than one place. The fonts,models etc are in projects folder AND myproject folder. Is this intended?
  18. Can someone tell me Does the working directory path have to match the output directory??
  19. I've now got it to build ok, thanks for your help. However, I'm now getting the following error. Lua Sandbox is ticked in options. The correct path to the Lua scripts is as below but I'm not sure why it's looking in the wrong place. "C:\Users\G\Documents\Leadwerks\Projects\newproject\Scripts" Can you help, thanks. Run time error below- Error: No debugger hostname supplied in command line. Initializing Lua... Warning: Lua sandboxing disabled. Executing file "C:/Users/G/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Scripts/Error.lua" Error: Failed to read file "C:/Users/G/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Scripts/Error.lua". Executing file "C:/Users/G/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Scripts/Main.lua" Error: Failed to read file "C:/Users/G/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Scripts/Main.lua". Error: Failed to execute script "Scripts/Main.lua". Press any key to continue . . .
  20. Yeah it looks like bitdefender is finding stuff that may not be a virus. I will reinstall steam hit exclude in bitdefender then see how we go.
  21. I uninstalled leadwerks and now I find that steam cannot reinstall it with the error " missing fileprivilages" looks like I'm stumped unless you know a way.
  22. the virus was located in steam,steamapps/leadwerks/gamelauncher
  23. I just got a message from my virus checker ( bitdefender) saying a virus in steam has been deleted. Now I find leadwerks will not run. Should I reinstall? Edit; virus name gen:variant.graftor458183
  24. I reinstalled vs 2017 yesterday. makes no difference so far. Still trying, thanks for help.
  25. in my case creating a blank project fails to build. It cannot find ctype.h and many other libs
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