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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I am now getting the error windows sdk 10.15063.0 not found..its asking me to retarget. Any further help appreciated.
  2. Has not worked for me up to now. I will keep trying.
  3. thanks I will give it a try.
  4. I seem to have two instansies of leadworks, one on c drive and identical one in my documents. Is this how it should be or what?
  5. Sorry to be so persistant but I am getting desperate. I start a new blank project in vs 2017 and add nothing of my own.It gives error message " cannot open source file ctype.h". This of course is followed by many more errors. This is a NEW project and surely should work out of the box? I tried googling for answer but answers were dated. target is set to 10.015063.0 but retarget shows another number.,, other than that I see nothing wrong.
  6. where do I check the msbuild version?
  7. I am learning lua script after failing to get my last game to run in vs 2017. ( using c++)When I run the exe and click on esc I get the Quit menu, but the mouse pointer is not visible. Where can I correct this?
  8. I am learning lua script after failing to get my last game to run in vs 2017.When I run the exe and click on esc I get the Quit menu, but the mouse pointer is not visible. Where can I correct this?
  9. I just use SetPosition and rotate to open and close doors. Dead simple.
  10. creating a new project causes errors about scope as soon as sln is loaded.
  11. Since getting vs 2017 my c++ project will not work. Where can I find instructions for updating project to vs 2017
  12. Nevermibd I just found directions for upgrade.
  13. since updating to vs 2017 and 4.5 le my progam will not run It can't find ctype.h and there are hundreds of errors. I started a new blank project then swapped the source folder files for my own older files.
  14. If you walk while having both hands on a rifle it will sway as you walk. Is this what you mean?
  15. Just curious. How can we use the blank project for c++ without removing the provided files? I mean where do we start entering our own code.
  16. Some of the c++ examples in the api reference could get you started.
  17. Le needs a fairly good graphics card, but I just read a review of yours and it plays most games smoothly so maybe that's not the problem.
  18. Have you used the project manager to start a new fps project?
  19. I am a somewhat shaky c++ coder but that looks simple enough even to me.
  20. Thanks for suggestions. I am trying makehuman and will vheck out the others.
  21. Seems to be working now. Thanks for reply.
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