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Everything posted by cassius
The following anim which is supposed to run once only sometimes works ok and sometimes fails to happen, with the character immobile but still standing. I have a c version and a bmax version. Another problem is I need to to make the controller lay still on the ground after the character has "died" but it slides along in some random direction. I solved this second problem in Bmax version with FreeEntity controller but when I do the same in c the program crashes.The code is almost identical in both. The first problem is the most important. Does anyone have any anim code better than mine?Thanks. void kill_badguy() { Animate(badguy.model,badguy.k_framebegin,1.0f,true) ; badguy.k_framebegin = badguy.k_framebegin + 0.5f * AppSpeed() ; if (badguy.k_framebegin >= badguy.k_frameend ) { badguy.alive = false; } }
Not my type of game but I can see a lot of clever work has gone into it and I saw plenty to admire. A scrolling screen would open it up a bit. Intersting work.
Got some good answers and learned a lot.Thanks to all
Just curious. Why are you using such an old version of le?
Thanks Rick. Blending is another thing I don't fully understand. I have a value of 1 for all anims. There are never more than two anims at a time.
Scarlet thread : Interseting, but a bit complex for me. I will paste that code into my "examples" folder for later study. At the moment I have a simple struct called actor which contains everything pertaining to characters including framebegin and frameend and health etc.
At the moment I have a single seperate animation function for each character and I was wondering how other people tackle this.Would it be feasible or advisable to have a single anim function for ALL characters?
Its knowing what the drawbacks are. Thats the catch.I am just doing a c version of what I did in Bmax. There are a few differences but not a big deal.
Good. I'm using c.
I get a error when I open up the Evaluation Kit
cassius replied to Ultima Zeus's topic in General Discussion
if your graphics card is good enough you could try updating drivers. If you have something like a geforce 8600 or better that should be enough. -
Josh has said that it will be cheaper to buy le2 and then upgrade than to just wait for le3 at full price.
You will not miss much. I recently switched from Blitzmax to c and only found one difference ( in updatecontroller) which Pixel Perfect helped me adjust. I daresay there are a few more, but its not important.
My experience with computers has been only with desktop machines. I know absolutely zilch about anything else and my eyesight is too bad for small screens.I think there are too many fps games around so I am going for rpg adventure set in medieval times. Obviosly there are no guns in this genre but you can fire cannons and crossbows if you want.
I don't know what Columbus day is. I will check with google. What kind of modelling will be possible with le3. Will it be like 3dws or will we be able to model small objects like chairs vases bottles etc?
A new version of my current game minus terrain.
Whats the hurry, it would make a nice christmas present
Changed from Bmax to c three weeks ago. Its a nice change not having to put local or global in front of each variable but some strange things happen in c that didn't occur in Bmax. Tonight I used EntityDistance with a value of 16. The program crashed. I changed the value to 5 and no crash.Weird. I still have my Bmax version up and running. Its slightly faster than c in fps.
Yeah. I can't see myself carrying on with my current project once le3 comes out, I will be too absorbed with the new version.
Well its nearly summer in Australia and in California you probably can't see the difference between summer and winter.
My apoligies daimour. Your solution was correct. Problem solved
I just noticed that this w key problem only occurs when I hold the key down for a long time. If I let go of it every few seconds the problem is gone.Its as though the keys operate in some kind of buffer which has to be refreshed by letting the key go occasionaly.
No its a normal desktop keyboard exept it has large lettering and no numpad. ( I have bad eyesight.).I switched off sticky keys option in control panel.
Thanks. That didn't work but thanks for taking the time to look.
Hi When I press the W key my character moves forward but every minute or so it stalls and wont move for a few seconds, and I hear a windows ringing noise ( warning sound) then it moves ok until it happens again. Not sure if its my program or a windows problem.Can anyone help? The include file func.h is not relevant here as it only contains anim functions and a struct. #include "engine.h" #include "func.h" TEntity scene; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Initialize(); RegisterAbstractPath("c:/mygame"); Graphics(1024,768); AFilter(4) ; TFilter(1) ; TFramework framework=CreateFramework(); if (!framework) { MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to create framework.",0); return Terminate(); } TLayer layer = GetFrameworkLayer(0); TCamera cam=GetLayerCamera(layer); //Set Lua variable BP L=GetLuaState(); lua_pushobject(L,framework); lua_setglobal(L,"fw"); lua_pop(L,1); // Post Processing FX SetGodRays(0); SetHDR(0); SetSSAO(0); SetBloom(0); SetAntialias(0); SetStats(1); SetReflectionElements(ENTITY_RENDERABLE); scene = LoadScene("abstract::gamescene.sbx"); jane.model = LoadMesh("abstract::femwarrior.gmf"); villager.model = LoadMesh("abstract::actors_villager.gmf"); PositionEntity (villager.model,Vec3(42.6,1.39,-183.93)); RotateEntity( villager.model,Vec3(0,-90.0,0)); // Main character controller TController player=CreateController(); EntityType(player, 1); SetBodyMass(player, 60); SetBodyDamping(player,0.0); SetWorldGravity(Vec3(0,-20,0)); PositionEntity(player, Vec3(102.57,2.2,-192)); // Skybox SetSkybox(LoadMaterial("abstract::NiceSky.mat")); SetBackgroundColor(Vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1)); //SetBackgroundColor(Vec4(1.12f, 0.92f, 0.92f, 1)); // Movement vars float move=0.0, strafe=0.0; TVec3 camrotation=Vec3(0); float mx=0, my=0; HideMouse(); MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); AmbientLight(Vec3(0.6)); // play music TSound theme = (LoadSound("abstract::Destination.ogg")); TSource source = (CreateSource(theme,SOURCE_LOOP)); PlaySource(source); badguy_controller(); badguy.health = 150; badguy.stopanim = false; badguy.k_framebegin = 836; badguy.k_frameend = 873; float dist; // ************************* Game loop ****************** while( !KeyHit() && !AppTerminate() ) { if( !AppSuspended() ) { mx=Curve(MouseX()-GraphicsWidth()/2,mx,6); my=Curve(MouseY()-GraphicsHeight()/2,my,6); MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); camrotation.X=camrotation.X+my/10.0; camrotation.Y=camrotation.Y-mx/10.0; RotateEntity(cam,camrotation); move = 3.5 * (KeyDown(KEY_W) - KeyDown(KEY_S)); strafe = 3 * (KeyDown(KEY_D) - KeyDown(KEY_A)); float jump=0.0; if (KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)) { if (!ControllerAirborne(player)) { jump=8.0; } } // move faster if(MouseDown(MOUSE_RIGHT)) { if (!ControllerAirborne(player)) { move*=3.0; strafe*=2.0; } } //position enemy characters PositionEntity(badguy.model,EntityPosition(badguy.control)); MoveEntity (badguy.model,Vec3(0,1.1,0)); //Position camera and 3rd person main character TVec3 playerpos=EntityPosition(player); TVec3 camerapos=EntityPosition(cam); camerapos.Y=Curve(playerpos.Y+1.75,camerapos.Y,2.0); camerapos=Vec3(playerpos.X,camerapos.Y,playerpos.Z); camerapos=Vec3(playerpos.X,camerapos.Y,playerpos.Z); PositionEntity(cam,camerapos); MoveEntity(cam,Vec3(0,-0.1,-2.5)); PositionEntity(jane.model,(playerpos)); MoveEntity(jane.model,Vec3(0,1.3,0)); RotateEntity(jane.model,camrotation); // animate main character walking if(KeyDown(KEY_W) || KeyDown(KEY_S)) { jane.framebegin = 1483; jane.frameend = 1533; animate_jane(); } UpdateController(player, camrotation.Y, move, strafe, jump, 500.0f); // animate villager if(EntityDistance(jane.model,villager.model) < 8 ){ animate_villager(); } // badguy walk anim if(badguy.stopanim == false) { dist = EntityDistance(player,badguy.control); if (dist > 2.0 && dist < 16){ PointEntity(badguy.model, jane.model,3,1,0); badguy.framebegin = 77 ; badguy.frameend = 115 ; animate_badguy(); UpdateController(badguy.control,EntityRotation(badguy.model,1).Y, 2.5,0, 0, 500,1,0); } } // badguy attack if(badguy.stopanim == false) { if(EntityDistance(player,badguy.control) < 2.0) { badguy.framebegin = 291; badguy.frameend = 411; jane.framebegin = 924; jane.frameend = 1031; animate_badguy(); animate_jane(); badguy.health = badguy.health - 0.1; if(badguy.health < 1.0) kill_badguy(); } } if(badguy.stopanim ==true) FreeEntity(badguy.control); //*************************** UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); Flip(0) ; } } } // main
I had a problem getting the editor to load . It was a long time ago and was caused when I altered the path in the editor options file and somehow got it wrong.I went into the editor config file and manualy changed back to the defaults. If you have the full sdk and it won't run then you must have caused it somehow.