Yes Metartron yes! There wou;d have been loads of fleas too in medieval times. Hence the plague
Anyone modelled a flea yet?
EDIT: The house texture looks too pristine. Is there any way of dirtying it up a bit in gimp or photoshop?
Thanks folks. I have got it underway using modeling. Having trouble at the moment with textures bleeding into each other around windows and doorways.I used the slice tool to cut out the roof and roof slates.
I havn't come across any serious bugs for over a year now. Its a pretty reliable peice of software.
There have been some bug reports which turned out to be NOT bugs.
I am starting to model a tudor style house with wooden beams on the outer walls using 3dws.
My question is should I use a texture for the wooden beams or model them.As far as I know you cannot stretch textures in 3dws.
you say you have tried every other engine and ended up here. Surely after spending THAT much money you can take a chance and spend another 200 on le 2.Have you produced a game yet?
Ah good. I tried the second one you mentioned but got an error message. Must have been a syntax error. I am finding some of the error messages hard to figure in codeblocks.
Thanks again.
Heres another c noob question.
In c or c++ it seems you have to put a variable in front of EntityDistance, unlike BMax where
" if Entitydistance(a,B) will do
my question is can I use the same variable ( "dist" for example ) more than once without causing confusion?
I use EntityDistance many times in my game..
if you have your textures in dds format you need a mat file for each texture.Examples of mat files can be found in sdk files or you can use genmat tool to generate a whole folder full with one click. When saving textures generate mipmaps.
EDIT Only use dds format.
Nope. That did not work. I need the character to walk toward the player. As I said the code works in Bmax, I need a way of expressing the second parameter in c .
EDIT: I am using PointEntity and thats working ok.
This code works in Bmax but not in c.The problem is the second parameter;
Knight.model is the name of the character and is a struct member.
UpdateController(knight.control,knight.model.rotation.y,knight.speed * 2,0, 0, 500,1,0);
I am returning to c after a long absence and would like a few tips on how best to code.
How much of my actual gameplay code should go in main;
At the moment I have all functions in an include file and it works ok;
So am I on the right lines?