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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Thanks both. That class example looks much like types in Bmax exept for public and private.
  2. I am hoping to get a le related example.
  3. I got codeblocks up and running last night and see that there is a class wizard somewhere but I can't find it. Can anyone help? If not can someone give me a class decleration example ? maybe a class called actor. I am brushing up on c++ in case I need it for le3.Havn't used it for over 8 years.
  4. Trying to download code blocks but baffled by the number of options and the obscure descriptions. Which version should I get and is it self contained with no other stuff required? Thanks in advance.
  5. Did you generate mipmaps when saving your textures? Do they have a mat file. Static Objects such as a oildrum and their physics can be set in the editor thru the objects properties dialog. It best to load characters that are to be animated in code as they will need a controller To get an objects properties click on the base object in right panel of editor and enter the following lua script in the script editor ,and save it. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...)
  6. le builder project wizard does this. in the sdk or tools folder
  7. Yeah, moose was around at thetime of le 1
  8. We used to have an Australian called moose o death on the forum. Where did he go?
  9. Cats chasedogs in uk too, and we got blue water in our toilet.Very classy. Incidently the weather is hot.
  10. Good tutorial. I was able to follow it easily unlike two I watched recently on normal mapping. MikeV: yes you can use 3dws with le 2.5.
  11. Problem solved,.I had updatecontroller set to make character move toward the player when at a certain distance using entitydistance and a unit value of 16. I changed this value to 60 and its now working ok. Don't really know why.
  12. No it wasn't at 0,0,0. Its as if the cubes propertise were not updated when I made the change.. Where can I check that?
  13. Got a strange problem here.I loaded in my character ( a knight) in my code and positioned it in the editor using an invisible cube to mark the position called knight_pos. It worked fine until I changed the position of the cube to another part of my level.The character is still starting at the original position however and I can't see why this happens. My code is ok and there is no duplication issue that I can see. Even renaming the cube made no difference.Has anyone had a similar problem?
  14. Thanks. I am trying that now.
  15. When making normal maps in photoshop or gimp I seem to get more detail when increasing the contrast of the texture drsticaly.Is this good practice or is there a better way of increasing depth and detail???
  16. As far as I can remember version 2.31 was an update that had to be paid for, as it included a new editor and lua script. Maybe Josh can clear this up for you when he sees this thread.
  17. The profile dates were changed some time ago. If you purchased version 231 or later of le then you can use the updater with your key number to get le 2.5.
  18. It looks to me that it would be better to start a new project with le 3 and possibly continue current project with le 2.Since the graphics quality will be different and no terrain with first version of le 3 I think the requirements will be substantialy different between the two even if the commands are similar.
  19. Do you mean PositionEntity entity01,EntityPosition(entity02) or is your problem more complex than that?
  20. I ave been trying to make textures in Gimp but so far they all end up looking like garish wallpaper. Is there any tool that can help make stone walls or brick?
  21. I got gimp 2.8 today but found that it does not come with dds and normal map plugins.built in. I already had them though so no problem, but is there a more recent version of gimp?
  22. When leadwerks 3d comes out will we have to start again from scratch or will our existing code be usable with a little alteration here and there? I am mostly concered with bmax code.
  23. Genmat is in the tools folder of the sdk. Keep trying and it will come right after a while. Le2 IS a programmers engine and I am certain you have found the right one for you.Don't forget to search the forum for answers. Most of your questions have been asked before and answered elsewhere. There is also a user manual somewhere.but I am not sure if its available to trial version users.
  24. There is a tool called genmat which automatically generates aa whole folder full of mat files when you click on it. Its not suitable for characters though.
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