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Everything posted by cassius

  1. For people who don't want to upgrade its best for wiki help files etc to remain available or be downloadable.
  2. I know that le 3 is being aimed at many platforms some of which have **** graphics but if le 2 quality is not an option it will be a pity.
  3. I doubt if le 2 will need much support from now on.Its pretty well complete.
  4. Will there be terrain eventualy? I certainly intend to hold on to le 2 It took some time and many updates before le 2 was complete is this likely to happen with le 3 to the same extent?
  5. What will happen with le 2 once le 3 has come out?
  6. Sorry found the anim lib. Had looked in code but not in tools.
  7. I make normal maps in photoshop using the Nvidea plugin.As I know very little about the subject I use the default values exept for mipmap generation.Can someone give me a few tips on making normal maps better.I have seen a few videos on the subject but found them hard to follow.One thing I need to know is when to invert y or x.
  8. But is there any point when its so easy and quick to convert to gmf.
  9. I had problem with one of the zombies where left arm animation was wrong. The slowzombie4 character worked fine.If you are using EntityDistance to check how close to player your zombie is its better to use zombie controller as the parameter to EntityDistance rather than the character itself.
  10. Is the purpose of this project just to show something in showcase or is it intended to be something the whole community can learn from?
  11. Why not use physics but just set mass to 0.0 on objects.
  12. I have parented the player but not the enemy characters.Rick is right, the problem is not in the updatecontroller code.
  13. Try a lower value like 100. The speed of 2.5 can also be changed possibly to a lower number.I just played around with these values till I got a good result. Didn't really know what I was doing. But it works fine.
  14. pointEntity(zombie,playerl,3,1,0) UpdateController(zombie.control,zombie.rotation.y,2.5, 0, 500,1,0)
  15. I found that not having a controller caused all sorts of instability in my character collisions. In the asset store there is a third person example called ball game. There is also a bmax third person example by marleys ghost.
  16. Previous attempts have come to nothing but a mini game with sorce code available to community would be fine, so I vote yes but with low expectation. EDIT: possibly the easiest way to proceed is for a single person to program the first draft and then offer it to others to add there own ideas.
  17. You convert your models into gmf format first. if you have a folder called props for example and you want to place a barrel in it you prefix the barrel file name with props_ Like this : props_barrel01.gmf The item will then appear in the right panel of the editor in the props folder. Do all models like this.
  18. Metetron usualy answers gamelib questions. He hasn't been around lately. Maybe he has gone to look for lummooja
  19. blitzmax, but I like c.
  20. Yeah I am trying to keep my screen uncluttered by text based 2d images so that the full screen is availablke for the action and scenic values.
  21. I am toying with the idea of making the screen flash red as an indication that my main players health has been impared. Anyone know how to do this. I am also thinking of using speech to make the player say " I am feeling weak" or some such speech. I have a microphone for speech and sound effects.What do you think??
  22. I like doing most things myself but am not outstanding at any of the arts required for game making, I get by both as a programer and artist but don;t have the time to get into things like character buiding or animations( I buy these) and other secialized subjects, so its good when we can share the artwork of others.
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