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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Problem solved. It seems I had a texture that was not of a power of 2.Once removed 3dws works ok.
  2. 3dws 5.6 now crashes when I click on browse to browse textures.Where can I find download site to reinstall?
  3. I can't use truespace. My eyesight is bad and truespace won't allow the screen magnifier to operate properly. Blender is ok though.
  4. There is a special version of 3dws for Le users you can get after you have purchased the original version. It has export to le gmf format and I think it is version 5.6. Or you can use the 3dw2gmf converter in the tools folder.
  5. Sandbox? Theres no scaling in the editor.
  6. blending is something I have never understood despite reading the anim tutorial. Maybe someone could explain it in words of one sylable.
  7. I just set the speed of movement I need and then tweak the anim speed until it looks right. Not very technical but seems to work.
  8. There is a tutorial around on making skyboxes with terragen.
  9. Will not run on my machine. geforce 9800gt
  10. cassius


    Thanks for checking.
  11. cassius


    I am trying to use user defined types in Bmax.I havn't bothered with them up to now but am curious to see if they have any benifits. I nered to group my characters into yypes.Here is some untested code Type actor field model:TMesh field control:TController field x :float field y :float field z :float field health:int EndType Knight:actor = new(actor) Is this code looking ok or have I got something wrong or missing?
  12. Thanks chrisv. Nice work.
  13. it takes long enough to write a game engine in c++.I tried to learn assembly years ago on a Commodore 64. Took me a whole evening to print my name on the screen.It was needed then for 2d games but surely not now.
  14. Yeah a lot of stuff is hard to find. Stuff by macklebee and marleys ghost is really usefull but how do you fiond it?
  15. I have used the default waterplain which covered the whole map and then sculpted out my landscape. Don't know any other way.
  16. I have some pools of water in my scene which are too shallow. Is it possible make it deeper without disturbing my buildings etc???
  17. How to download what? Converters come with le.
  18. That would be very usefull and not just for me.
  19. Does anyone know where I can get free skyboxes?????
  20. Can Delphi starter edition be used with LE?.Thinking of buying it.
  21. Yeah. That did the trick.Thanks.
  22. Hi. I just designed an old stone bridge and placed it in my terrain. The arch of the bridge has a great moving reflection in the water in the editor but does not show up in my bmax game scene . I amnot using the same skybox in my game but otherwise there should be no difference. Am I missing something here?
  23. I just placed a firepit in a small hut model to check this. In my case the firepit does not show thru the wall . The walls in my hut are pretty thick though and your firepit seems to give off more light than mine.
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