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Everything posted by cassius

  1. same for me as digitalhax
  2. DigitalHax. Drink your milk before it gets cold.
  3. Yeah Benton thanks I can use it. I never managed to download the ones at turbosquid. I got something but it wasn't a windmill. Strange.
  4. The age range of people using le goes from about 15 to 88.A pretty wide spectrum. I am the wrong end of that spectrum but le keeps my brain ticking over nicely and keeps me away from the porn sites.
  5. thanks aggror I give it a try. Has to be an ancient windmill. Strangly theres one in my avatar but thats a wind pump on a river in Norfolk.
  6. Anyone know where I can get a free model of an old windmill thats convertible to gmf. I tried a couple of sites but somehow never managed to get the download.
  7. Sorry can't do videos(yet). Thanks for advice. I found a texture that looks like steps and I am using it on a ramp. looks quite convincing under a dim light.Trust me to find a lazy way.
  8. I have sword fights in my game which work smoothly enough on level surfaces , but when the enemy character follows my main character onto a stairway the enemy flickers violently when the two controllers collide. If I use a ramp instead of stairs there is no problem. This problem does not show up in the controller tutorial because no enemy controller is used in that. Is there a solution to this prob?
  9. I had this problem.I tried making celing of room thicker and it seemed to work. I also tried rotating the directional light but although this also worked it left me with lighting effects I did not like.
  10. The thread may be old but the answers were valid then and remain so now.
  11. Fpscreator is very limited. I would say learn basics of programming and then buy le. Theres no shortcut to making good games.
  12. This thread is dead fred. Its a dead thread.
  13. When I purchased le there was no trial version. I just took the plunge and bought the software. It was the exellence of 3dws that convinced me that le would be good.
  14. texture0="abstract::basket.dds" texture1="abstract::basketdot3.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag" As above example A map file is required for each texture and its normal map (if any ) Characters need a different shader. this example is for background textures.Save it as a mat file in notepad
  15. Have you done a mat file for the textures?
  16. cassius


    Been using Blitzmax for some time but so far have never tried using types so need a little help. Supposing I want to have a type called actors for all my characters which would contain all the characters components. How would that look in code?
  17. A couple of weeks ago two members reported that they had probs getting le to run on new computers.Were these problems resolved? Heard nothing since.
  18. I think you just click on generate mipmaps in photoshop or whatever 2d app you use.
  19. You get what you pay for. if its just a dll you will need other software to make game levels etc. Le could turn out to be the cheapest in the end. EDIT:If you take a look at xor3d forum in general discussion you can see that there is some doubt about its future state.
  20. le is by far the best bet taking everything into consideration especialy with le 3 upgrade at good price coming soon.
  21. It seems that xors 3d started out as extension to blitz3d but is now independent. Its a dll that can be used by blitmax c+= or blitz3d and with a similar api to blitz.
  22. No.Put your trust in le builder and see how it goes. framework is a pre written include file which should also be in your project folder IF you want to use it.
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