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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I have never used le builder but I beleive it pastes all the files you need into the project folder. Then you just swap the spinning cube prograsm with your own program.In the editor you just drag and drop lights into your level and if you include framework in your program they appoear automatically.
  2. Many of us are using c++ or blitzmax for the main program and lua just for object behaveier.
  3. I agree about physics and scaling in le but its not a big problem. You can scale objects in your 3d app.
  4. There are plenty of tutorials on the wiki and the asset store and in the forum threads.This engine is used by some very experienced programmers who have tried all those other engines you mention yet they have stayed with le. The engine has deferred lighting dynamic shadows and built in physics all at a great price.The licencing terms are genorous and all but the largest updates are free. The free versions of other engines are all lacking in features that only come with the expensive pro versions. With le there is only one version and it is exellent.
  5. Yeah. freeing the enemy controller works fine. All problems solved. Thanks for help. Like video.
  6. I fixed all controller problems now exept one.After my enemy character goes through its die routine it slides across floor. Maybe I should use freeEntity on enemy controller once the character is dead. This only happens when I move main character(player)
  7. Thanks for explanations. I have a problem with enemy controller where the controller slides backwards constantly after coming near main character and I wondered if any of the force commands were of any use with this problem. From your explanation it seems something else is causing it..I am not using any forces currently.
  8. SetBodyForce AddBodyForce SetBodyVelocity Although the meaning of the above functions are selfevident I have never been sure WHEN they are needed or what they can be used for or whether to put them in main loop or not Can someone give me some idea of different ways of using them.Thanks
  9. cassius


    I am changing the anim sequence acording to the distance between enemy character and main(third person) character using entityDistance. PointEntity(badguy, player,3,1.0) If stopanim2 = False If EntityDistance(jane,bg_pos) < 15.0 bg_framebegin = 77 bg_frameend = 115 animate_badguy() ' badguy walk UpdateController(bg_control,badguy.rotation.y,1.6,0, 0,1,100,0) EndIf EndIf If EntityDistance(jane,badguy) <= 3.0 pointEntity(badguy,jane) jane_framebegin = 924 ' jane attack jane_frameend = 1031 animate_jane() bg_framebegin = 291 animate_jane() bg_frameend = 411 animate_badguy() 'badguy attack bg_health = bg_health - 0.1 EndIf If bg_health <= 1 Then kill_badguy() EndIf
  10. cassius


    Thanks. Had some flicker when I used moveentity to move controllers but not as bad as with updatecontroller. The flicker occurs when enemy collides with player character. and anim changes from walk to attack anim. Maybe its not a smooth transition from one anim to another.
  11. it is probably how I coded it. I am going thru code now to improve it. Your help much apreciated.
  12. cassius


    Now my enemy character has a controller I find that it flickers badly whenever it collides with a physics object such as an oildrum or my main character. It stops flickering after first contact but is irritating to watch. I have played around with the updatecontroller code and stopped the controller sliding but it still flutters. Anyone solved this problem? UpdateController(bg_control,badguy.rotation.y,1.5,0, 0, 1,400,0)
  13. Thanks mg. Your code worked fine, exept the enemy character flickers wildly when close to main character. It did that a bit when I used moveentity but not as bad. Anyone know why?
  14. Ok thanks. I think I am slowly getting there. Been messing around for two weeks. When it comes to pointentity I get confused between the character(badguy) its controller ( bg_control) and the pivot bg_pivot
  15. Thanks mg. I changed it to turn.y and got no error message, but the enemy character has now disapeard so must be something else wrong. EDIT: Is it ok to parent the controller to the pivot?
  16. Hi How do I find the angle of a pivot so I can express it in UpdateController? In the code below I get the error "can't convert from tvec3 to float" in updatecontroller angle parameter ( Blitzmax) I need the controller to move in direction of player pointEntity(bg_pivot,player) PointEntity(badguy,player) If stopanim2 = False If EntityDistance(jane,badguy) > 2.0 And EntityDistance(jane,badguy) < 16 turn = EntityRotation(bg_pivot,1) bg_framebegin = 77 bg_frameend = 115 animate_badguy() ' badguy walk UpdateController(bg_control,turn,3.0,0, 0, 1,400,0) Endif EndIf
  17. I know how to move a enemy character toward the player using pointentity and moveentity but as the character has a controller I ned to know how to do it using a pivot and updatecontroller.Its the angle parameter of updatecontroller I am stuck with. I don't know how to arrive at a value for this parameter. I have been given some code fragments by some of the community( thanks) but nnot enough to fully understand it.
  18. I wouln't expect a complex pathfinding tutorial, just an enemy character that moves in the direction of the player when at a certain distance.
  19. I have been searching for a tutorial which features an enemy character and its movement code without any luck. If someone could supply one it would probably be apreciated by several of us,even if the "enemy" was only a cube.Thanks.
  20. I haven't encountered many problems using moveentity with controllers . My enemy characters knock over oildrums and suchlike in a natural way.I just want to use the correct methods because they ARE the correct way.
  21. That looks fine. Thanks. I have had no problem using moveentity with enemy controllers but I heard that its not the proper way so I thought "why not ask."
  22. Can someone show me a code example of how to move an enemy character which has a controller. blitzmax preffered but I will take anything. Thanks.
  23. As I see it you can make any type of game but you cannot put a wrapper around the le api and sell it as a game engine as though it was your own work.
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