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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Thanks everyone. body velocity worked fine exept that the enemy character got tangled up and stuck in a pillar I will try forces just to compare.... and remove that bloody pillar.
  2. Nice work. Enjoyed watching. Encouraging too.
  3. Can you explain a bit more about bodyvelocity. is it applied to enemy character?
  4. There is a scene in my game where I want my main character to push an enemy character down a hole in the ground. This was easy enough when my enemy character had no controller but with a controller I cannot make this work even though the main character has a mass of 60 and the enemy a mass of 5.Can anyone help?
  5. problem solved. . I had declared the sequence var as a int..it should be a float.
  6. Thanks. I use the same method as you EXEPT for "die" anims. I just tried using a copy of the main character placed in same position as main characterwith main character hidden but that did not work either , yet the copy is only there to do the "die" anim Nevertheless I think theres something in what you say and I will make some changes.
  7. I can't get my main character to go into "die" animation. The function below works with enemy characters but not with main character.Its a third person setup and the main character moves in front of camera and is connected to player.( bmax) Function kill_jane() Animate(jane02,kj_FrameBegin,1,0,1) kj_FrameBegin = kj_FrameBegin + 1.0*AppSpeed() If kj_FrameBegin >= kj_FrameEnd stopanimjane = True EndIf EndFunction
  8. I am using 3dws and le 2 all the time without problems. There is a special version of 3dws for le userers with gmf export oprion.
  9. Only my main character has more than one texture, the background textures are done in 3dws and they do not flicker in that. I personaly can't see much flicker but my son who has better vision than me, says there is flicker. Thanks for advice.
  10. Some of my background textures and textures on main character flicker when player moves. Anyone know the cause and cure ???
  11. I started with blitz 3d then fps creator with which I quickly got bored so went back to blitz 3d until le version 1 came along. I am now 88 years old nut I have been a programmer ( of average ability) since computers got small enough to get thru a door. The only reviews I trust are the ones written in serious computer mags.
  12. Put em in one place and tell us where it is.
  13. cassius


    Thanks. I saw a unity demo called boot camp ( I think) which showed this effect. Sounds a bit advanced though for my capability.
  14. cassius


    Is there any way to get a splash effect when a character walks thru water?
  15. I don't know what the gtx570 card is like but a small scene should run faster than that in bmax.
  16. I uninstalled daz studio .I will just buy characters as I have in the past. I am always suspicious of apps that are not used much by indie developers but as a freebie it was worth a shot.
  17. Even gamestudio is still being purchased and thats ben obsolete for years. le 2 is only just completed . It may lack versatilty with regard to other platforms but its great for those who don't care about this.
  18. I loaded a daz model into uu3d and it took an age to load in then everything slowed down and uu3d crashed. I might try it with milkshape but I have my doubts. Hexagon seems to be the best of these free apps.
  19. Yeah I wondered why this software is hardly ever mentioned on this forum. Maybe I can refuce polycount in some other app.
  20. I just downloaded daz studio ( currently free) but can't figure how to reduce poly count of model. If anyone is using this software maybe you can put me wise to this. Thanks.
  21. Sometimes your location can affect this .
  22. Thanks. I rebiilt the glue functions and its ok now.
  23. Since updating le today I find my blitzmax program will not run if I include the lua glue functions; It stops on the following line. lua_pushinteger( lua_vm, obj._EntityColor(_arg_1, _arg_2) ) Any ideas????? thanks
  24. I gave le a good rev iew on devmaster a long time ago and my opinion has not changed. Some of the reviews are known to be fake. I wouldn't use a free engime because I would always be wondering what I am missing out on by not having the full version. le is good value in my opinion.
  25. Fraps is ok but free version only run for 1 minute.
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