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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I don't like begginers or advanced sections. I have been around since le 1.10 and can no longer call myself a begginer. On the other hand most of my questions are not really on advanced topics. Generaly speaking I look at all programmung questions whatever the language in the hope of pivking up some tips.
  2. I always look in "view new content" anyway.
  3. its better to load chaeacters in by code if they are animated instead of placing them in the editor.... and give them a controller too.
  4. I would say get the le evaluation pack and see what its all about. You build a terrain in the editor and then place objects in it and then you reference them in the language of your choice. le is nothing to do with blitz exept that blitzmax is one of the suitable languages you can choose.
  5. You could begin by downloading the le evaluation pack and see if it runs on your computer. If it does and you likr it then play atound with the editor for a while and then consider purchase' le can be developed in blitzmax,c++ or c# or lua script.
  6. Can or should addbodyforce be used in a main loop?
  7. cassius


    Free version of blide just killed my program. When loading I get a blank screen now both in bmax ide and blide. II have a copy but its 2 weeks old.
  8. cassius


    What are the advantades of Blide that make it worth buying?
  9. Thanks Rick. It seems to be working now.
  10. At the moment I am using pointentity and moveentity but the character moves in wrong direction. I have heard that you shouldmt use moveentity with controllers but can't see any other way Do I use PointEntity with the controller or the character or both?
  11. How do I make my controlled enemy character move toward my main character in a third person game?
  12. Is AddbodyForce used to move controllers.?
  13. I like Bmax cos its nice and compact and fast enough for games. also its easy to set up ,needs no peoject wizard and does not keep throwing obscure error messages at you. I like c+= but not the microsoft version.
  14. O got it working. IDidn;t need half the code I I showed you above.I hadn't understood how much controllers take care of.
  15. Much apreciated. Thanks to you and Rick.
  16. A code fragment showing this would be usefull if you have time. In c++ or Bmax. But don't worry otherwise.
  17. Thanks Rick. I will study this.
  18. Ok I have set up a controller for my enemy character and it works ok exept it will not move toward my main character as it did nefore using moveentity' I also don't know what values to put in updatecontroller Heres the code Global barbarian_1:TModel = LoadModel("abstract::barbarian_barbarian.gmf") Global barb_control:TController = CreateController() PositionEntity(barb_control,EntityPosition(pos)) EntityType(barb_control, 3) SetBodyMass(barb_control, 10.0) SetBodyBuoyancyMode(barb_control,0) Global barb_body:TBody = Createbodybox(0.6,1.9,0.6) ScaleEntity(barb_body,Vec3(0.8,3.0,0.6)) EntityParent (barbarian_1,barb_control) moveentity barb_body,vec3(0,0.3,0) positionentity barbarian_1,EntityPosition(barb_body)
  19. yeah. This issue is something I missed despite a clear explanation on the wiki. So I will have to use controllers starting now. Thanks for advice.
  20. cassius


    How do I add stepmode = true to an objects script. Thanks
  21. Just to clarify things here is what I do with characters after conversion to gmf. Place character in editor use phygen to give it a cube shaped physics body set mass and other properties. Does anyone do different to this??? such as doing the whole thing in code.
  22. thanks. Are there any examples of non player character controllers around?
  23. I only use a controller for the main character which is third person style and moves in front of the camera. Its the enemy characters I have problem with.
  24. I have coded my enemy character to follow my main character wherever it goes. If I set the mass of the enemy character to anything oyher than 0.0 it will not follow my main character up stairs. On the other hand if I set the enemy character mass to 0.0 it WILL follow her up stairs but there is a snag. With the enemy nass set to 0.0 it floats slightly above ground level. So neither methods are entirely satisfactory. So whats the common practise for combining physics with animation?
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