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Everything posted by cassius

  1. My model does not have seperate inteior and exterior walls, just the one. I will have to change this and check it out.
  2. I fixed it now I did what Naughty alien suggested.Thanks all.
  3. Not sure what you mean.The room is backed by a courtyard wall with a tower and castle turrets.A shadow of the turrets can be seen on the lit interior wall.
  4. I found some grass in le 2.24 in the foliage folder.Looks good. I kept this version as it was one of my favorite pre lua versions.
  5. Good work Red usefull to know.
  6. U have a large castle in my level. inside some of the rooms one wall is very bright yet I have no interior lights pointing to that wall and there are no windows.While messing around with the directional light tryimg different light efffects I realized that it was the directional light penetrating the walls. By rotating the light I have now reduced it to an acceptable level......but it shouldnt BE.
  7. Is there any way to prevent a sirectional light from penetrating walls and lighting up interior walls other than by rotating it?
  8. I mentioned this problem yesterday. Its since the latest update.
  9. The oak tree no longer appears, only grass and thats too dark now.
  10. The mass placement of trees seems to have gone now as they don;t appear as an option in vegetation section of editor.
  11. Since updating le ( last night ) I see that the grass layer from vegetation option is now a much darker color and no longer matches up with my bastc fill grass. Can I do anything about this?
  12. thanks. I will try that.
  13. At the moment Bmax is well supported on this forum, and by le admin.
  14. The function below works fine as a play once animation(death anim) SOME of the time but sometimes the character freezes in an upright position and the anim seems to be uncompleted. The frame begin and frame end variables are declared before the main loop. Not sure if its a coding problem or physics.anyone help? Function kill_knight() Animate(knight,FrameBegin5,1,0,1) FrameBegin5 = FrameBegin5 + 0.8 * AppSpeed() If FrameBegin5 >= FrameEnd5 stopanim = True EndIf EndFunction
  15. You could re-format your drive but I would suggest purchasinng the engine.
  16. In uu3d I simply rotated scene by 180 degrees. Had to do it on prviouse occasion but had forgotten how.
  17. I just converted a character to gmf without problem but found that when I use pointentity to make it face my main character it does the opposite,turning its back on main character.Can this be adjusted in the editor or uu3d. If its possible in uu3d which function should I use? EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED . How emnarresing
  18. a geforce gtx260m should be ok for le2
  19. I have had a few probs with animations and physics so I thought I would ask how others deal with it. Is it best to set mass at the default 0.0 or at some value such as 6.0 ? When mass is at 0.0 the anims are controlled and predictable, while at values other than 0.0 they react to collisions and gravity. This is often fine but sometimes when colliding they leap across the floor which is fun to watch but not realistic.
  20. There is a ball game example in the asset store. Third person written in c++. Could be adapted to your requirements.
  21. Which ones do you have?
  22. Contact josh with any proof of purchase you may have.
  23. You can also use phygen to put a pheics body around an object so that if you set the mass of the object to anything other than 0.0 it will be movable when colliding with another object. For example if you have a crate you can put a box body around it. Make it a tight fit and give it a mass of about 4.0 and it should move when a body of greater mass collides with it. When using phygen you can test the resilts either in the editor or in your main program using debugphysics(1) command.
  24. Yeah thanks. It needed a flag.
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