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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I get exactly the same problem, a crash when crawler kills player.
  2. Never mind, problem was caused by using the Microsoft magnifier.
  3. I got the fps shooter game running, so far with no lua scripting of my own. It runs ok in the editor but when I run the exe I cannot see the mouse pointer and am unable to click on play or quit. Am I missing something?
  4. Thanks, I will get cracking on this tonight.
  5. Hi Been using c++ for a long time but would now like to learn lua script. Which tutorial is best to start with..? My next project will be fps type.
  6. I have full screen running correctly in le 4.4, but without the gui system.
  7. In c++ its better to create player in code from the start rather than place it in the editor since it only takes a few lines of code. c++ has a speed advantage over lua , but lua script is fast enough.
  8. thanks for reply. I know using old source files works.
  9. I started a new blank project and When I run it I get a black screen, some tiny text and a mouse pointer that also seems to be black. Had to go into task manager to end program. Is it possible to have the previous blank template back as an alternative? My eyesight is not great.
  10. The pine trees seem to be the problem. Take away shadows and problem goes too, but whats the best shader to fix this?
  11. Thanks. Taking a look now.
  12. Maybe I moved a building at some time and its shadow did not move.
  13. When I move across the terrain in my game a large shadow comes over the terrain at a certain point. There is no large building nearby. Anyone had this prob?
  14. A couple of c++ tuts would be nice.Keep going Aggror your work IS apriciated.
  15. Thing that worries me about this subject is I don't have a clue what any of you are talking about. Given a choice I will just use old fashioned c language. Its easy to learn, its fast and could do the job.
  16. Is there a way to make water look slightly less transparent. Something seems to have changed since 4.4 update.
  17. Or you could just use GetDistance depending on your specific circumstances.
  18. No it did not include the old newton.dll. I know Josh did a thread about updating existing projects but I can't figure WHERE in visual studio to put the directives he mentioned so I just started a new project instead.
  19. Unhandled exception at 0x01812E24 (newton.dll) in project05.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000C. That's the full error message. Is it a bug?
  20. I started a new project and moved all my old files into it. The game runs fine with no problems until I click on escape to quit game. I then get unhandled exeption(newton.dll).Not a big prob but it never happened before. Anyone help?
  21. texturemate is one of several free exture sources.Pretty good.
  22. Arteria 3d and Dexsoft sell suitable models.
  23. When I get a new pc how do I get leadwerks back again from Steam? I looked at their website but saw no indication of how to find and download it.
  24. All this looks too complex for me Can we just start a new project and move all our files etc over to that? I have learned c++ ( almost) but this kind of thing always gives me loads of trouble.
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