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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I have my enemy character always pointing toward my main character during a swordfight. When the enemy character goes into its die animation it falls forward until flat on the ground but as the main character walks away the "dead" enemy turns because of pointentity.
  2. Is there any way I can nullify PointEntity when I no longer want a character to point somewhere in particular? thanks
  3. You can use Genmat ( in tools folder ) to automaticaly generate a mat file for every texture in a folder. Just place a copy of genmat in the folder and double click. It is ok for background textures but not character textures.
  4. I got stiff joints, but I am 87. but the wheels aint falling off yet.
  5. There Is a special version of 3dws for le users.
  6. Yeah, a simple spotlight with an intesity of 3 works fine. Only 2 lines of simple code required.
  7. Thanks for the interesting answers.I don't want to make puzzles too easy as pixel said and I don't want to make this a big deal so I may just use a spotlight that comes on when player gets near an object.But only for the first object. the player comes across.
  8. Interesting. I played morrowind recently and they highlight objects when you hold the mouse pointer over them. In my case I suppose I could ise speech like"Is that a key I see lying around here?" I have a microphone and am good at mimicking, but I would prefer highlighting.
  9. I have small objects in my game,some of which can be picked up by the player with a keypress. Whats the best way to highlight them to indicate which ones are pickupable?
  10. Unless you are planning a massive game I don't see any need for loading more than one map. I have a large terrain which contains a huge castle, a village and a ruined priory and my fps is still well over 100.
  11. I like combining physics with my animationa. That way the sword fights are different each time.
  12. I have considered a cylindrical body but id it falls down a slope wouldn't it roll in an unnatural looking way?
  13. I sometimes get one animation interfering with another and don.t understand blending. If the official tuts on anims are not good could someone show us an example that DOES work properly and which could be translated to Bmax.
  14. Can we be specificaly informed when this is fixed. My next pc may be 64 bit and I can't be without 3dws.
  15. Thanks for rep;ies. I have had some weird results from time to time. Characters with large bodies tend to push along characters with small physic bodies unless I set mass to 0.0 in which case sword fights become static.
  16. When putting a physics body around a character to be animated is it best to make the body big enough to cover the whole character including sword or other weapon which may be outstretched during an anination or should I just make the body fit the trunk of the character. Interested to know how others tackle this problem.
  17. I just surround my terain with a large sea or lake and although you can walk thru it until you drop off the map what would be the point as there is nothing out there
  18. No it was mving without the knight_walk function,I just thought if its gonna move I might as well use thewalk function.
  19. Strange. Must something in the main loop causing it but I have turned it to my advantage.
  20. When I use pointentity to make enemies point to main character(player) it makes the enemy glide toward main character. Is this an intended feature of pointentity . When I noticed this tendency I thought I might as well use the enrmy walk animation sunce the darned thing is moving anyway. If stopanim = False If EntityDistance(jane,knight) < 7 And EntityDistance(jane,knight) > 1 PointEntity(knight,jane) knight_walk() ElseIf EntityDistance(jane,knight) < 1 PointEntity( knight,jane) jane_attack() knight_attack() EndIf EndIf
  21. a list of animations can be found in the characters fpe file. Unfortunatley they are only numbered and not described in any informative way. You just have to trawl thru them and note down what each anim is..
  22. I have the zombie pack. In uu3d you need to scale down to 2.000000.
  23. I don't see much difference between scripting and programing. If you can learn lua you can learn blitzmax or c++. If le 3 can automaticaly produce a third person or first person framework well good, that saves us a lot of time,providing it is possible to tweak the pre written code.
  24. Thanks again. Take a look at it tommorow.
  25. usefull advice,Thanks all.
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