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Everything posted by cassius

  1. That looks good enough for me. I think I will photograph a real candle. my camera has a macro setting, and use it as a texture.
  2. Thanks for replies. I tried an emitter but it didn't look right.
  3. Whats the best way to simulate the flame from a candle?
  4. You van make pools and rivers in le by placing the water first and then sculpting out the land all around it, having textured the land first.
  5. This can sometimes happen if model is not centered in 3d app or uu3d.
  6. I think its fixed. Looks like cube around main character was too small in x and z directions.
  7. I did the level in 3dws with a wall thickness of 64.I am surprised that no one else has had similar probs recently but I know they HAVe in the past.
  8. Yeah, it maybe that. its something to do with physics though. I will have another session with phygen and see what I can do. I dont want to make the physics body too big on my characters as sometimes they have to fall off a high point or ledge and if I make the body too wide they hover in mid air before falling.
  9. No. The sword is just part of the character. Other characters also partialy fall thru the floor during their "die" anims if they collide with the main character when falling.
  10. cassius


    I just playrd a game called morrowind which seems to be set in the seventeenth centuary in which the word "ok" is spoken. I thoight that word only dated back to the american civil war. I also watched a british tv drama about Robin Hood in which the sherrif of nottingham points to his wrist and says to his men "Hurry lads tmie is ticking by...tick tick tick.." This was about 500 years befoee wrist watches were invented. If we are gonna have speech lets at least try to make it historicaly accurate.
  11. Sometimes my main character in my 3rd person game gets pushed into a wall by enemy character and gets stuck there. Is this because the physics body is not big enough? The character carries a sword which is outside the box body ( or partialy so.) In my program all the possible collision types are covered.Or is this a weakness in Newton?
  12. You could share them with the community or sell them in the asset store or maybe a little of both. They look great.
  13. 3dws is the best for building large levels quickly. especialy buildings. Use Blender for things like tables,crates etc.
  14. Would the code also be available as example code?
  15. cassius


    I just purchased a cheap microphone which works fine with audacity. Now I can do medieval voives without an American accent wich is what you get with those text to speech programs.
  16. cassius


    Thanks for replies. I have downloaded a speech synth prog called speakonia which is free and I already have audacity. The speech in my game will be restricted to single sentenxes to give the player clues. Things like "I think theres a key for that door"
  17. cassius


    If I purchase a microphone is there a way to save result as a wav?
  18. cassius


    Has anyone used a speech synth software to bring speech to a game. If so can you reccomend one. Recording studios are outside my means by some distance.
  19. Its probably best to make a little test level for fixing physics. Just a flat plane with minimum geometry.
  20. How do you tell the bullet to go in the direction the camera is facing?
  21. cassius


    Hi Whats the best way to get speech into a game? Should I buy a microphone or is there a software soliution?
  22. In some cases you can join up 2 sequences if they are next to each other. EDIT. The run walk seq was probably a bad example
  23. I find that when buying characters you are limited to the animations provided unless you know how to add your own anims. This limits what action you can put in your game. I need a character that can climb a ladder or open a door in addition to the standard anims that are usualy provided. Another thing to pay attention to is the order in which sequences are placed.Walk and run sequences should be next to each other and not seperated by swordfight sequences( for example.)
  24. Its a good idea I think to have a kind of codebase where people can find stuff without having to search thru old threads. documentation has allways been a problem with todays software, There never seems to be time to do it right.
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