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Everything posted by cassius

  1. cassius

    mat files

    I purchased a character from arteria3d this week and used uu3d to convert it.I forgot to do mat files for textures but when I loaded model into model viewer it looked fine and animated ok. Is this a new feature of uu3d or le or what?
  2. paypal is known and trusted by a lot of people. The seller can always charge a little more to allow for oaypal charges. As for getting a refund and keeping the product I am not so sure that paypal are that naive. You might get away with it once but not a second time.
  3. Hi. What is the best way to make a character move in whatever direction it is facing.? I use pointentity to make enemies face player character but sometimes require them to move towards player.
  4. I set too low a health number. got it working now. countdown starts at 300.0 and decreases by 0.1 until 1 or less.
  5. Thanks for help. Much apreciated.
  6. Thanks. I HAVE set a flag to stop the anim repeating. I also tried pixels method but nothing happened. maybe the health start number was not high enough.
  7. I got sword and axe fights in my game and at some point meed to kill off characters by invoking their "die" anims.At the moment I have hidden sensors in the floor that activate the die anim, but can anyone suggest another method? I don't have access to a characters limbs or anything like that
  8. Roland. I get an error message on the line below. The only change I made was to load in my own level instead of tunnels It was somthing about protected code being corrupt. TVec3 campos = StringToVec3(LE.GetEntityKey(scene, "cameraposition")); What is the best way to replace the spinning cube listing with your code? Thanks lazlo. Will your version always be maitained?
  9. I normaly use Blitzmax, but thought I would give le net a try. I know the basics of c#. Can someone point me to a scene loader example? if not I will have to try to translate my bmax code to le net.
  10. There are tutorials that load a level but not much more than that. It would be nice to have a mini adventure game with code available in something other than lua.Aint happened yet.
  11. Yes the emitter editor still works with latest le release.Export your file to scripts folder.
  12. I used the emmiter editor with le 2.43 without problems. I just upfated to le 2.5 but have not tried it with that. I will check it now.
  13. I just use spotlights with a wider cone angle than the default and higher intensity.
  14. There is a makedds converter with the engine, in the tools folder.
  15. I have had no big problems with a box body on animations. Sometimes I reduce the box size to just cover legs of character. It depends on shape of model and what you want to do.
  16. There is a fbx2gmf converter. in tools folder.
  17. There are already loader and third person examples around on the forum written by members in both c++ and bmax. They are not in the asset store but maybe they should be.
  18. The latest update of uu3d has a much improved gmf exporter which can now convert textures to dds.
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