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Everything posted by cassius

  1. It doesn't happen when I run my game in the editor.
  2. I hve been using EntityDistance to trigger off events mainly because I don't understand collisioncallback. So maybe someone can halp. :ets suppose I have a character called mycharacter and a door called door01. I want door01 to open when mycharacter collides with it. I know the code for opening the door its just the callback code I need. I have checked the wiki but I need actual code.
  3. I had no prob with most of the plugins but found that dae plugin did not work.
  4. I put some trees from vegetation folder into my terrain and when I move the camera there is a flickering effect which is annoying. How can I fix this? also the color saturation in my bmax program is much less than it is in the editor.
  5. I started this topic some time ago and since then I have moved on to third person style game.The problem with first person games is there is no visible hero character and that deems to rule out close combat scenes like sword fights etc.My current game has a very simple plot. "rescue the hostage" after overcoming many enemies and obstacles.
  6. Thanks. great site. Is there anything I should bear in mind when converting these sky images to dds format?
  7. Where can I get free skyboxes ? Thanks.
  8. In the castles properties set collision type to "scene" and gravity to "true" then save your program and delete castle phy file. When you reload program a new phy file will be genetated by editor.
  9. Yes I too have tried mixing animations and it does go some way to acheiving what I want. The main purpose of this thread was to find out how other people are handling the mixture of physics and animation and maybe give me a few tips. One unexpected thing I find is that enemy characters tend to push my player character across the level.This surprised me and while it is fun to watch I would like to find out how to have more controll of it.
  10. I don't know the answer to your problem but have you tried the supplied converters that come with le with your bought models? Also I see that Dexsoft have some models already in gmf format. Reliance on uu3d should be optional not essential.
  11. Thanks for reply. One of the things I am looking for is a character that walks forward while weilding a sword.They all seem to stand still.
  12. There seems to be no way of refering to a sword or other parts of a character in the le editor. Only the character as a whole is available unless I am missing something.
  13. Ok. How do I reference the sword? apart from my cintroller character all other characters are placed in the editor. I know their names ( such as RedKnight) but not the names of individual parts like sword or hand etc.
  14. I have been experimenting with animation and physics. I find that if I give my character a cube shaped body and set mass to something like 8.0 I get a lot of movement in fight scenes ( with sword or axe) some of it unexpected but fun to watch., but if I set mass to 0.0 it is more static but more controllable so I thought I would ask what most of you do in this respect with regard to animations and physics.
  15. I purchased a character from arteria3d which has the normal single track anims. It also has multitrack animation. I never heard of this. Can someone tell me is it relevent to le anims?
  16. cassius


    Thanks to both.
  17. Thanks to both for helpp.I'll sort it out tonight.
  18. Does this mean I will have to convert and texture all the LOD files as I did the main file in uu3d?
  19. How do I set LOD for a character placed in the editor. I have all files in same folder.Do I need to do anything else? Thanks
  20. Is this code more or less the same? For Local e:TEntity = EachIn CurrentWorld().Entities Select GetEntityKey(e, "Name")
  21. I suppose The high percentage of votes for high end machines indicates a high number of hobbyists with no worries of having to sell their games, or simply the fact that you MUST have such a machine for le 2.
  22. Thanks for reply. It deems to be mainly character objects that are affected.
  23. cassius


    Can someone remind me how to unparent a character.Thanks.
  24. I know but I would never need many of them.
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