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Everything posted by cassius

  1. A lot of people use bmax on this forum and while many of us could switch to c+= without too much hassle we prefer not to do so. Bmax is good enough as it stands without further development at least for a few years.
  2. I am a programmer of limited ability but I won't have a problem translating c++ api functiond into bmav. As long as there are third party examples such as we have now I will be ok. I also know the basics of c++ and c#
  3. Ok. I think I figured it out.try something tommorow.
  4. I have a character who engages an enemy in a sword fight. If I want my character to die (the character attached to the player) it will not go into the "die" animation sequence. I tested the sequence outside of my game and iy works fine.
  5. No its not a newspaper headline its a problem with 3rd person character. When I need my character to die he will not go into the die animation. Is this because he is parented to the player? If so what can be done about it?
  6. Why wait for le3? Get le 2 and a cheap upgrade to le3 later.
  7. Why not write it in your own language and let someone interpret it for you.
  8. Thanks for replies. A tut on Blender would be very usefull.
  9. When making a 3rd person game using game packs as assets it soon becomes obvious that the provided anims are restricted and put a limit on what can be done. So I need an easy to use animation app. I have only Blender at the moment. Can anyone reccomend such an app?.Thanks.
  10. Do not understand what you are trying to do. Are you loading in anim sequences seperatly.
  11. Niddlewerks gmf static mesh viewer and scaler. They don't scale bodies though as far as I know.
  12. There are already a couple of thired party apps that do the job.
  13. Whats up? Is someone having a baby?
  14. Hey that was quick. Very nice,thanks. and I even learned to spell medieval
  15. Thanks. Very usefull. I am doing a medieval type game and am struggling to imagine what objects they had in medieval times. I suppose a cart with wooden wheels would be one thing along with swords,shields and huge wooden catapults.
  16. I I would say forget python.use c+= or Blitzmax along with lua script. Any other route would depend on third party header files and a lot more hassle.
  17. Thanks puki. Some interesting ideas.
  18. Are you designing your buildings in 3dws and placing your models in those buildings in the le editor.? If so then there should be no problem ,
  19. ah. Thanks. looks like I got work to do. When making a third person game it soon becomes obvious that the animations that come with game packs are limited and you need to add some custom ones of your own if possible.
  20. I am just getting into animation and hardly know what I am doing. I have got a cube moving around the screen which works ok in uu3d' I have put a dae plugin into uu3d plugin folder but it does not seem to have registdered. What other formats in blender are ok for animations?
  21. Can someone confirm that blender 2.5 fbx exporter works ok or not? My anim works fine in uu3d but not in le.
  22. Thats beastly nice of you narley. many thanks. Theres a good ninja character at the same website too.Comes in about 4 different colors.
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