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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Although I am not too bad with phygen I would like to see someone produce an alternative that would be less time consuming to use. Maybe something that shows a view of the object and the physics body that can be adjusted with manipulators
  2. You can create normal maps in gimp or photoshop ( dot3) You need to generate mipmaps when creating dds textures. I leave it to someone more expert to explain more.
  3. use ultimate unwrap to convert animations to gmf format. Convert textures to dds format in gimp or photoshop or paint.net or with converer in tools folder. create a mat file for textures (like this for characters.) texture0="abstract::nskinbl.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_skin.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow_skin.vert","" Use genmat to generate mat files for background textures etc EDIT:THere is a gmf plugin for uu3d.
  4. In my third person game there are several sword fights.In every case if the player disengages and walks off the enemy remain static.Sometimes I need the enemy character to run after the player and re confront him. How could this be coded?
  5. You can do 2d games with blitzmax and also use it with le for 3d games.
  6. In 2003 a free version of cinema 4d called cinema 4d ce came out on a magazine cover . I purchased it and still use the software. I saw last night that this free version can still be downloaded via rapidshare. I am not sure about legality of this download but if its legal it is well worth having.There is an x exporter plugin available too.
  7. Not an expert on this subject but its shader model 4 which should be fine with le.
  8. You can build terain in the le editor and add models and lighting and physics. Modeling is done in a 3d app such as Blender(free) . You can design levels in 3d world studio or caligraphy shop(free)and load them into the editor. Then you can hit game mode and move around in your level. I use Blitzmax for programming but many use c++ which is free.
  9. Yes. I have my own textures folder and maps folder inside my projects folder. I rarelly need to kook in the SDK folder.
  10. Does blender accept the dds format? I had no luck with it, in fact I still can't figuer how to get a texture onto an object in Blender.
  11. I do not have max but I have never had a problem converting obj or fbx format either with the supplied tools or with Ultimate Unwrap
  12. I would certanly be interested if they can be converted.In fact I think I may have a pack from some years ago somewhere on disk.
  13. When I did a bookcase I used 6 cubes. looks like I have a lot to learn.
  14. Can you describe whats involved in getting them into gmf format? Thanks.the
  15. Its the glowing material that does the trick.
  16. There was an ambient light bug but it was fixed some weeks ago.Maybe a clean install is needed.
  17. Very usefull tut, exept I struggled to read the code. Maybe its my eyesight.
  18. Tutorials don't have to be a complete runnable program, they could just be a function we can slot into our existing game code.
  19. A tutorial on guns and how to fire bullets in a game would be wecome.
  20. Yes .Great idea. I always find video tuts hard to follow, but short ones could be watched several times.
  21. I dont know what blender is like as a game engine but I have been learning to use it for months and am beginning to like it, but I still can't figure how to get a texture onto a model. I have to go into ac3d to do the texture.So how about a tut on that?
  22. As a hobbyist my motives are different to commercial developers. They need a team, a plan or design and a structure.I chose adventure game partly because I can make it up as I go along. I get ideas for puzzles when in bed or at the supermarket or anywhere.I have been known to get up in the night to try something out.
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