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Everything posted by cassius

  1. The manipulaters in latest version of editor show black when selected. Is this intentional?
  2. as a hobbyist the question for me is whats in it for me with regard to le 3.I don't need to program for lower end computers and have no interest in developing for other platforms.Also I have barely touched on all the functions available in the le 2 api.What is in version 3 for the hobbyist? Also will there still be much discussion on the forum about le 2 once le 3 comes out, or will it become a backwater? Can someone list the advantages of upgrading. ps I probably will anyway.
  3. Anyone know if the ambient light bug in le 2.4 has been fixed yet?
  4. Your main program can be written in c++ while lua can be used on a per object basis. You can use lua to alter a lights intensity and color and range etc. You can reference objects placed in the editor in your c++ program and make them perform in any way you like. Its great. You do not need ultimate unwrap but its nice to have.
  5. I prefer Bmax because of setting up problems with c++. I got basic setup working with project wizard but not gamelib/leo
  6. I would ditch milkshape cos its not very good and go for 3dws for buildings and ac3d for models.Blender is very good if you take the time to learn it. I find the Blender video tutorals hard to follow partly because they go too quick and the accent of the narrater is hard to understand, but by poking around on my own for 30 minutes every night I have learned a lot about blender.
  7. There was an ambient light bug in le 2.4. Josh knows about it but I am not sure if he fixed it. It doesn't occur when a directional light is present so will mostly only be noticed in interior levels.
  8. That worked fine dadonic exept I found an elasticity of 2.0 suited me better as the ball stops bouncing quicker.
  9. Thanks for the answers including the naughty ones.I will try that lua script
  10. Hi Is there any way to make a ball bounce using physics in the editor? I can make them float like a balloon but not bounce.
  11. Blender is for masochists. I learned 3dws in a couple of nights without reading the help files which were not much help anyway, but I had previously used the map builder in Quill 3d which worked in a similar way to 3dws.
  12. I bought the upgrade version of wim 7 and it did produce a windows old folder full of stuff, but I had saved important files to disk as I was unaware that this would happen.I now have an extra external drive also.
  13. Has this le 2.40 ambient light bug been fixed yet? It works ok when directional light is used but I don't need that and it eats up fps.
  14. This sounds like the problem I found, but I got no answer to my thread. Bad explanation on my part probably.
  15. 31 to 52 fps with all on exept wireframe.Graphics make my efforts look puny.
  16. Re installing the shader pak from le 2.32r5 solves the problem but is there something wrong with shader pak 2.40 or am I failing to set something.Anyone answer this question?????
  17. Also when I select an object in the editor it turns black instead of red. If I install a new light (pointlight) it seems to work ok.This only happens in my existing map. When I start a new one everything works fine.Looks like I am going to have to do all the lighting again.
  18. Just set up le 2.4 and find that lighting is very dull in editor / Anyone know the cause of this? I did a clean install. EDIT: altering ambient light makes no difference.
  19. I don't get noticable slowdowns. Is your graphics card up to the job?
  20. Yes you can use many texture formats with 3dws, just load them into a folder and point the texture path ( Tools\options)to that folder
  21. Thanks. I thought there must be a way.
  22. Very nice agror. Thanks a lot.
  23. I just downloaded Blender 2.53 beta and find that pressing alt + lmb no longer rotates scene globaly. Has anyone tried this and found a way?
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