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Everything posted by cassius

  1. There have been many updates which were all free exept 1
  2. cassius


    Nice job. Impressive. EDIT:Be nice to know how picking up objects is coded.
  3. I am in the doldrums with my game, run out of ideas for puzzles. Its an adventure game. I keep rearranging the level and textures while waiting for insperation. Maybe I'll take a look at some e existing games and try and pick something up.
  4. Software reviews are best left to pro computer journalists who can give a balanced expert view without personal predjudice. The saying "Don't beleive all you read in the papers" is even more true of the internet.In the meantime we go on using game engines to make games for kids who probably would be better off playing football and getting some exercise.
  5. I am a hobbyist user of le and I am happy with it as it is now.
  6. cassius


    How about just a liiiiiiiitle tutorial?
  7. cassius


    Very nice.Thanks a lot.
  8. Geforce 7600 is the practical minimum requirement in my opinion. I used one once. The problem is some old computers have agp connectors and they are not suitable for 8800 or higher.So a new motherboard and possibly power pack would also be needed.
  9. Yeah. I don't think some things are implemented yet in blender 2.5.
  10. I tried sculpt mode in blender but couldn't get anything to happen. Any tips?
  11. Is 2.32r6 available yet. I don't see an announcement?
  12. In the old Sandbox changing the game path could cause this problem.
  13. cassius


    With some software you can download the demo and enter the reg number to turn it into the full package. Have you tried that.
  14. cassius


    I get this error now. MyGame-Debug.exe not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link
  15. cassius


    I am using 2.31 version. I think I will start again and see what happens
  16. cassius


    I have now got to the point where I get no error messages or warnings yet the example code that comes with project wizard will not run. There is some kind of runtime error Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in MyGame-Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation. I am using gamelib
  17. cassius


    Trying to set up gamelib. compiler can't find window.h. Neither can I. Wheres it hiding?
  18. Looks really great, but the title is a bit bland unless its just a working title.
  19. okay. Thanks for your help.
  20. I get a StringToVec3 identifier not found error
  21. Can someone show me the c++ version of this bmax line? thanks. PositionEntity(player, StringToVec3(scene.getkey("cameraposition")))
  22. Pimp? is that good? I heard of a dyslexic pimp. He purchased a wharehouse.
  23. cassius


    Thanks folks I will give it a try. Its easy to do in Silo or ac3d but I am studying Blender cos I like the challenge of its somewhat obscure envoirement.
  24. cassius


    Does anyone know if there is a lathe or revolve function in Blender 2.5? I am trying to model a wooden bow shaped barrel.
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