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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I have pools of different depths in my game. I just made the hollows in terrain level where required. Or maybe I misunderstood your prob.
  2. Thanks for reply.
  3. I apologise if I have missed this but is it intended to add c++ definitions and examples to the new api?
  4. I have large pools in my game. I suppose you could just make them smaller, like puddles in terrain editor.
  5. If you google this question you will find examples in c and c++. I just did so. Good hunting.
  6. Don't really understand the question. Isn't a polymesh intended for enterable buildings.
  7. I think you change character angle in properties of character ( in editor under physics) EDIT: You can do it in code too.
  8. Hi When I close down the editor I get a dialogue that asks if I want to save a screenshot.Not sure how I got this but its a real nuisance having to click on delete all the time.Anyone know how I can get rid of it?
  9. Found a backup which recues the situation. Looks like its not too difficult to corrupt the editor. All I did was load up my project and then click on "new" to take a look at someone elses map problem( on the forum)
  10. After looking at another project in the editor I reloaded my main project only to find that the terrain base texture and all my models are gone. In the assets column my models are there but under "scene" they are gone. Any ideas?
  11. Very impressive. You can tell that terrain is not based on uk terrain. Looks very Australian.
  12. You could put an invisible ramp on the stairs.
  13. The problem would be how to check when character enters shallow water ( in code).
  14. Will it ever be possible to get a splashing effect when a character walks thru shallow water?
  15. cassius


    window = Window::Create("nameofgame", 0, 0, 1024, 768, Window:: FullScreen); This does it in c++ maybe you can translate to lua.
  16. cassius


    There was an app that created emitters in le 2x. Could do with something like that now, but trial and error can produce the goods in the end.
  17. As far as I know the blender mdl exporter still works. It was gmf with le 2x
  18. One of the problems I had is the large number of animations that are numbered but not identified by name. Took me hours to find what I wanted.
  19. zombie apocalypse pack is quite good.
  20. never mind, got rid of it.
  21. I got daz 3d last night but can.t figure how to load textures. Help files are very long winded, can anyone give me a quick clue. Thanks
  22. In my game I needed a character to warn my main character not to go into a nearby castle because it was dangerous. I used the GetDistance command to check when the character was close to the main character and I used point command to make character face main character when at the required distance. Nothing more. But maybe you need some other requirements.
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