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Everything posted by cassius

  1. The geforce 9800gt is plenty good enough for le if money is tight.
  2. I get better fps with blitzmax than c++ using the same level. To get comparable fps in c++ I have to switch off some post proccesing stuff but not so with Bmax. I don't know why. Just true in my case.
  3. cassius


    Thanks for help. I used rotateentity inside a for loop( 1 to 90) which looks a little better.
  4. cassius


    I have a character in my game who walks across a room and turns right into another room. I used Rotateentity with a value of 90 degrees to turn him but it looks too abrupt and unnatural. Does anyone know how I can fix this.
  5. They are in the dev area which requires a reg key to get in.
  6. When I said different flavours I meant gamelib,leo and c++ and c.I have been given example code recently which only works if you have gamelib ( like TScene)
  7. A lot of people are using blitzmax with le and having an easier time than some c++ users. It would be a bad marketing move to drop it now. I too like some previous versions of le and intend to keep copies of them. One of the advantages of bmax is there is only one version so we are all singing from the same hymn sheet, unlike c++ which comes in several different flavours with le.
  8. Thanks for the relies. I already have 2.31 wizard. I thought it might pay to brush up on my c++ just in case le 3 does not support bmax. I used c++ with c++builder for a couple of years so i am not a complete beginer.
  9. Hi What is the situation now with project wizard. I mean which one still works with le 2.3. I was thinking of using c++ as alternative to bmax. I want framework but not leo.
  10. The zone is very good but its another walkaround a terrain. Can we have something like a mini game with some "game" incidents in it?
  11. I get a humming sound when near to a cagelight. Is that intentional?
  12. 2.32r4 now working ok for me including firepit problem.Most of my problems with updates seem to stem from having my projects folder outside of the sdk folder , but thats how I like it.
  13. I hate to admit it but I don't know how to do a screenshot.
  14. The firepit is not working properly. The texture billows up as a white blob.
  15. Got oildrums working. Looks like I was using old oildrum file.
  16. Installed update. Seems to be working fine exept for physics. Updating phy files now,but can't get Le oildrums to work. Are their phy files updated?
  17. You need to be an Le owner to get stuff. Have you purchased the engine?
  18. Blender is nt too hard to learn. I also like ac3d which is cheap and works well with Le.
  19. check out the tutorials on the wiki such as the character controller tutorial. They are written in c so you should have no problems converting to csharp. Start with a simple level at first the learn from it. Only a minority of people are using csharp and the header files are third party designed.But you will find example code on this forum.
  20. Thanks for replies. I thought there might be a built in way of doing single shot anims as in Blitz 3d but I will use the code you suggest.
  21. How do I make an anim perform 1 sequrnce then stop?
  22. This sort of thing has been going on from time to time for too long. It is not always Leadwerks fault but people need to feel confident about buying software online.reg keys should come within a short time after purchase.
  23. When I bought blitz 3d a long time ago a macazine review said " Theres nothing better out there at tha moment", but the moment has gone,it's long gone and I doubt many people would want to go back.
  24. The gun and bullets setup code is in the framewerk include files. i could not figuer it out but mayb you can. The demo as a whole will not run in le 3.1 but some of the code probably will.
  25. Sorry. i meant you can download le 2.24 and find the demo in that.
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