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Everything posted by cassius

  1. There was a demo of this in le 2.24 written by Josh in Blitzmax code. it is still downloadable.
  2. I would like some help on this too. I have a gun set up with sound effect and muzzleflash, but how to fire bullets????????
  3. Thanks Marley. Very helpfull.
  4. I loaded ninja into editor and animated it but textures were wrong and so was movement. idling sequence just looked like a fast jerky movement. Textures were black. Think I forgot the mat file.
  5. no just the selection. Will try scene. thanks for help.
  6. When I scale down the Ninja character in uu3d the skeleton does not scale down. Is this normal or is it best to scale the gmf in code.?
  7. I have just downloaded some free anims from psion website. They are a ninja character and a zombie. They have been around for a few years in b3d format and 2 other formats. Has anyone tried them with Le and are there any probs?
  8. Nice one Gimpy. Thanks . Another one to go in my folder of usefull bmaxcode.
  9. I am not sure what category this question comes under but is it possible to have an animated character run across a scene and knock over an object such as a oildrum or crate etc?
  10. Yeah thanks . I am getting there slowly. Trouble is I am 86 and in a hurry.
  11. Yeah I did that and got anims working now. Just need to figure out firing bullets now. This is the translation frame = (frame Mod (frameend - framebegin)) + framebegin
  12. Are these tuts going on the wiki or should we download them all now?
  13. Thanks a lot,just what I have been looking for,you must be a mind reader.
  14. I am trying to do bmax version of animation tutorial and am stuck on this line of c code. frame=fmodf(frame,frameend-framebegin)+framebegin; What is the bmax version of this line of code. Thanks
  15. if you do a mirror then presumeably you would have to show an image of a human when the controller is in front of the mirror or whatever the controller is supposed to be. Intiguing but not easy.
  16. I just ran the exe on my machine and did have the same problem. The oildrums are not seen falling over unless you pull back the controller quickly, but they should be falling forward away from the controller. Some people may not see this as a problem but I do. As I said before a clean re update solved the problem for me after weeks of altering values to no avail. EDIT: I have run your example several times and sometimes it works fine and sometimes not. Strange.
  17. When it comes to the requirements of Le 3ds max represents overkill. You will never need many of its functions. But its worth getting at a students price.At full price no thanks.Try ac3d,that works well with Le.
  18. Firing bulletets in the required direction is my only prob in this thing. I got the gun set in position and sound effect. I suppose you could use an entity of a bullet and make it invisible, you could also have crosshairs and use that as a target.
  19. In the editor about 25000 polys as far as I can see but my eyesight is not brill. I have a screen size of 1400 by 900.I have tried 800 by 600 full screen which improves fps but messes up my desktop ie changes colour and taskbar moves up to middle of screen. EDIT: I get fps 300 on 800 by 600 fullsdreen
  20. Your graphics card should be well capable of handling things. Directional lights are the most costly but not really needed in interior levels.I did a huge level with 3dws and put it in editor in 1 big chunk.Currently my fps is 90 to 120.I only have 5 pointlights and 37 spotlights.
  21. Thanks for replies. I am surprised there hasn't been more interest in this subject considering the number of people who use a gun in their game. I would like to see some code either in c or Bmax. A demo of a firing gun.
  22. Do you have lighting? Pointlights can slow things down, spotlights less so. What graphic card do you have?
  23. This happens a lot. Is it fixable by Leaswerks? EDIT: I mean the editor path problem not running under admin.
  24. I only use lua script to get into an objects propertise. Just 2 lines of code that never changes. I can't see what the problem is with that. I can still write my program in Bmax or c++ and easily reference all objects placed in the editor.
  25. Got it to install as admin. I had put the old reg number in by mistake.Though it never complained about that.
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