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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Don't need it after all I had forgotten I saved the bmax code before updating to 2.3 I was going to check out the bullet code as I can't figure out how to fire bullets in my game.
  2. I tried to install le 2.24 last night so I could look again at the bmax demo code that came with it but although it accepted my reg number the server would not work, so I wondered what a proxy server is and where to get it. Anyone know? thanks.
  3. I see . So if I move a bullet in the z direction it will always go where the gun is pointing ? Also do I actualy need a bullet? Is there some other way?
  4. This is a question I probably should have asked right at the start of my 3d aspirations. I need to get some bullets fired from a gun in my game so am I right in supposing that the z coord is the one thats always in front of the camera?
  5. Use photoshop or gimp ( which is free ) to make normal maps. There are plugins for both available. If you have a texture called "wood.dds" for example call its normal map "wooddot3.dds" When your texture is loaded into your program ts normal map will be loaded automaticaly. Then you need to make a mat file. You can do this with genmat. Place a copy of genmat into your material folder, where the texture is and double click on it. Genmat is in the tools folder.
  6. Thanks I will do that. I won't bother with recoil just keep it simple until I get it working.
  7. Ok I have my gun set up and in position with sound effect and muzzle flash. I have two problems. 1: The muzzle flash looks good on the gun but produces a sharp round reflection on walls.How can I make it less foccused? 2: I have no idea how to make the gun fire bullets. Any hints would be welcome. I have studied the lua controller script but can't understand the bullet firing bit.
  8. Yes you can use gimp or photoshop With plugins
  9. Thanks. Got it working but its a lousy looking gun.Back to the drawing board.
  10. My problem was that the objects hit by the controller fell toward the controller and when pushing against crates they flew behind the controller rather than in the direction pushed. Sometimes the controller would pass thru the level walls and fall out of the game. But as I said updating le solved the problem Actualy I was using the wrong updater at first, and not the latest one.
  11. This is what I have got so far. Local gun:TModel = LoadModel("abstract::gun08.gmf") EntityParent(fw.Main.camera,gun) PositionEntity gun,EntityPosition(fw.Main.camera)
  12. This line can also be relevant, particularly the iteration param. UpdateController(player, camrotation.Y, move * 5.5, strafe * 5.5, jump, 500,10)
  13. I designed my own gun, a rifle but cannot remember the code for letting the player carry it. Should I parent it to the controller or the camera?
  14. I found that a mass of 60 worked too well for me. a mass of 30 looks more natural in mt case rvl's description is exactly what I was getting.
  15. I had this problem but found that it was because I had not updated the files in my project folder when i did the last update. Worked perfectly after I did so. Maybe not your problem, I don't know.
  16. I use this routine For Local e:TEntity = EachIn CurrentWorld().Entities Select GetEntityKey(e, "Name")
  17. There are a couple of minor irritatios with the editor. It doesn't remember to open up full screen ie 1680 by 1050 and theres no shortcut for Select none.
  18. 2008? I don't know how you could hold out so long. First time I saw Le I knew there was no going back to blitz 3d even though at the time there was no Sandbox or tools.
  19. Thanks I will translate the lua code.
  20. I can't answer all your questions but I can say this is a very friendly and helpfull community. Wether this engine is for you is for you to decide after checking it out. Most people here are using c++ or csharp or Blitzmax. You will always find a bit of language snobbery but here it is no big deal. Le was mostly written with Blitzmax.
  21. Torque has horrible scripting and is hard to get into so buy Leadwerks and save yourself a lot of hassle and money.
  22. Stealing or receiving from a pirate is still piracy.
  23. I would like to use the weep gun in my bmax program. What is the best way to go about this? I see the lua script that loads in the gun in the example. Is there a way I can use this or should I translate it into bmax code? Thanks.
  24. I would hope anyone intelligent enough to use 3ds max would be bright enough to see through this kind of thing, but who knows. Not that I have much sympathy with autodesk and there high prices.
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