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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I took alook at neoaxis demo out of curiosity and it was good but I saw nothing there that cannot easily be done in Le by an average ability coder.
  2. I think that thread about 3dws not being supported anymore simply means it is completed and there will be no more updates to v 5.52.
  3. There are header files in le for c# so you will be ok on that count and several people are using it here. 3dws files have to be converted to the le format (gmf) using the supplied converter.
  4. 3d world studio works well with Le, I was using it a few minutes ago. lua scripting is mostly optional exept for a couple of lines to set up an objects properties. You can use any coding language that supports a dll but most are using c++ or Blitzmax. EDIT: I don't know where you saw that thread about 3dws no longer being supported but I can't find it.
  5. You can use blitzmax with Le, its a much better version of basic than dbpro and just as easy to use. EDIT: By the way, you need a goood graphics card to run Le. sm3 at least.
  6. Glad it worked out ok.All blitz products need an update as soon as yo buy them.
  7. cassius


    I rember in le 1.13 there was an example of a rope implementation. Is this still feasible in le 2.31?
  8. Why not use Blender to make your models? It has obj file format and it is free. There is also a free version of truespace but I don't know if this has obj format.
  9. I don't know what 3d world creator is , but 3d world studio does export b3d files. There IS another b3d format which is nothing to do with Blitz 3d. EDIT: I just checked and found that there is a freeware program called world creator. I Does anyone know if it is usable with LE?
  10. Bleder 2.5 alpha 2 is now available.
  11. Just changed from avg to microsoft essentials ( for other reasons) but no prob with either.
  12. psu seems a bit weak for a 9800 gt but that shouldn't be the problem.
  13. UpdateController(player, camrotation.Y, move * 5.0, strafe * 5.0, jump, 500) Changing the player mass to 60 and altering the code to that above has improved things so thanks again.
  14. Thanks for replies. The oildrums are not the Leadwerks ones they are my own . I will try the suggestions.
  15. I have cleared up most problems I had with collisions but one remains; I have a interior only level. In one room I have a crate and two oildrums. If I push the player gently against the crate it slides along nicely but if I hit a oildrum first and THEN push the crate It flies around in a crazy manner. Its as though hitting the oildrum first builds up energy. Has anyone else had this problem? The player bodymass is 12, The crate and oildrum mass is 6. The following line may be relevant UpdateController(player, camrotation.Y, move * 5.0, strafe * 5.0, jump, 500, 8) Thanks.
  16. What is the effect of the friction option in the properties physics section. Is it best to leave it at the default value?
  17. I had a problem with 3dws and win 7 after upgrading. It crashed when I scrolled the texture browser.I suspected a texture I had just added and getting rid of the texture cured the problem. Or maybe you need to update drivers. Quite a few people had issues with vista 64 bit and 3ws. Sooner next version of 3dws comes out the better.
  18. Did the update but can't see any difference. Am I missing something.? I think it was 2 files updated.
  19. I don't really care what other people do with Le. If they want to write a game as I do thats great but if they would rather do tutorials or some le related utilities or just dabble at things in general Thats fine.
  20. cassius


    Thanks josh and mack. i havn't got a clue what that picture is about.Is it something on us tv?
  21. cassius


    Is there any way to stop or reduce juddering effect when the controller collides with an object?
  22. There must be some special reason there is no undo button because they are normaly easy to implement. I havn't found it much of a ptoblem. I messed up a couple of times but I had saved my file every few minutes as is my normal practise
  23. The new blender is looking good but how do you apply textures in the beta or in 2.49? EDIT: champagne bottles are easy to model using lathe tool.Not sure there is one in blender.
  24. Whoopeeeeey. After several frustrating days I have finaly managed to make a chair model in Blender. So congratulate me and shower me with flowers( take em out of the pot first).
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