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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Yes it worked. Thanks again and thanks for your loader program.
  2. Why not export from maya as obj format then use phygen and THEN convert to gmf?
  3. Google chrome works fine. Thanks EDIT: Oh and thanks for the program,very usefull.
  4. I can't find a text editor that will paste this file without destroying the format. Whats the best way to get it
  5. It only happens in full screen mode.
  6. I just got latest update onto my c drive and when loading editor I get the error message "Can't load scripts/base.lua". Have I missed some change over xmas?
  7. I had this problem with physics in 2.3 after a clean update, but in my case physics is now working fine ,. I checked the controller code in the editor controller lua file and made my controller code the same.This made no difference at first but when I changed the phy file for a table model from convex hull to a box shape all my physics started to work well. Its a mystery. My controller has a mass of 10.0. EDIT: Reducing controller mass to 7.0 made little difference it still works ok.( I use Bmax)
  8. I hav'nt understood a word of this.Whats going on?
  9. Pixel Perfect has described my problem better than I could.
  10. cassius


    Thanks for reply. I have an old version of Cinema 4d v6xl which was good in its day but export optiond now too dated.
  11. I don't understand the term "blows me away". What actuallu happens.? I have weird collisions problems. In my case collisions with controller occur but don't look natural.
  12. cassius


    Thanks for the model. As a matter of interest,did you start with a primitive?
  13. I had forgotten my interest in Hexagon,ihave had ac3d some time but may also get hexagon.
  14. Is there something wrong with physics in 2.3? When I push against an oildrum it falls towards the camera instead of away from it as it once did.Objects get jammed under the player and when I push an upturned oildrum it rolls toward the player instead of away from it.
  15. Well 2.3 was announced as an UPGRADE in which case older versions are usualy regarded as complete and bug fixed. I think the lure of lua has taken over the thoughts of Leadwerks.Myself I don't find lua very alluring.
  16. Sometimes after running my program it changes the desktop background color to purple. Its a minor problem but I would like to prevent it. My program sets graphics window to graphics 800,600,32 my monitor screen is 1680 by 1050.Not sure if this is relevent. In addition to changing the color it puts the taskbar half way up the screen.
  17. Range settings can be changed for pointlights but thats about all.
  18. The pointlight script seems to be the latest one starting with "Require" Collisions are also going wrong ( in my bmax prog)since the update. I had fixed this before by adding some body force to the player and it worked perfectly. Now the oildrums spin around crazily again.Oildrum mass is 6. Player mass is 4.
  19. I too have done a clean update a couple of hours ago.
  20. Since the latest update to 2.3I have not been able to edit spotlights and pointlights. I go into properties and alter values such as intensity and color but get no response. Cagebulb works ok. Am I missing something that didn't need doing before. They also have no distinct name.
  21. cassius

    2.3 Sync

    I don't get it. What do I enter in script to replace dofile("Scripts/base.lua") so I can get into an objects properties?
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