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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I too would like to repay the community for fantastic help over a long period but mostly my lack of expertise prevents it. I do however recommend le and the community at every oportunity. It might be nice to have a "How to" section on the forum like: How to open and close doors in a game How to make an elevator go up and down How to pick up objects....etc
  2. Thanks macklebee. I got rid of the code last nijht after a couple of frustrating hours. The program ran with no errors. The lighting was on and you could lookaround with mouse but movement was frozen. The problem was I did'nt know which commands were obsolete or no longer needed. Is it true that LoadScene takes care of lighting now?
  3. I have been trying to update the character controller code on the wiki for use with le 2.3 but had no success. I need some code that will put a player inside a level with look around and mocement capability. If anyone would share such code it would be much apreciated.
  4. What is the purpose of the info node object and the camera node object?
  5. Installer will not accept my reg number. I emailed Josh using his email to reply. Hope this gets to him, or should I have sent a seperate email?
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