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Everything posted by Quan

  1. Quan

    Grainy lighting

    Cool that fixed it, Thanks. Thought I might have set something up wrong
  2. I just started working my way though the basics of using Leadwerks with BlitzMax and I noticed that my end result with the Lighting tutorial seems a bit Grainy: I have a ATI 4870 using the 10.1 drivers. As far as I can tell I am not getting the same effect in the editor. And this is the code I copied and pasted from the pdf file: 'Use the Leadwerks Engine module as our base Framework leadwerks.engine 'Create an OpenGL graphics window Graphics 800,600 'Allows the engine to find files and load files from zip packages RegisterAbstractPath AppDir 'Create a world If Not CreateWorld() RuntimeError "Failed to create world." 'Create a camera cam:TCamera=CreateCamera() MoveEntity cam,Vec3(0,0,-5) 'Create a visual mesh mesh:TMesh=CreateCube() 'Create another mesh to cast a shadow on ground:TMesh=CreateCube() ScaleMesh ground,Vec3(10,0.1,10) PositionEntity ground,Vec3(0,-2,0) 'Create a render buffer buffer:TBuffer=CreateBuffer(800,600,BUFFER_COLOR0|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL) 'Create a light light:TLight=CreateSpotLight() PositionEntity light,Vec3(2,2,-2) RotateEntity light,Vec3(45,45,0) 'Main loop While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) TurnEntity mesh,Vec3(0.5) 'Update timing, physics, and other miscellaneous updates UpdateWorld 'Make our render buffer the current buffer SetBuffer buffer 'Draw the world RenderWorld 'Make the back buffer the current buffer SetBuffer BackBuffer() 'Call the RenderLights command, passing our buffer which contains 'color, depth, and normal data RenderLights(buffer) 'Swap the graphics buffers so we can see what we drew Flip Wend Thanks
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