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  1. Well it's because I'm the author of this article so it was easier for me I guess Ok, so it seems to be ATI related issue... will look into the code (but as far as I remember there were no problems on reference rasterizer)... geez I hate them compatibility problems...
  2. Ok I uploaded the demo (it's more less the same but a bit simplified). I hope it runs this time, however, I don't know if it is not some Radeon related problem (especially PhysX support). If there will be any problems I'll try to resolve them. http://www.mediafire.com/file/zeoywncnozw/WaterDemo.zip
  3. Sorry for lack of response. I'll upload one during the weekend and will let you know here when that's done.
  4. You can try this: http://www.mediafire.com/?muom2wz1y3z It's the old demo I used during presentation of the effect. The technique evolved a bit since then but it shows general idea. I know there were some issues on some configurations. If that would be a case just let me know and I'll try to upload updated version.
  5. Hi, thanks for positive comments about my engine However, I don't like being considered a potential competitor of LE. It is a very good and complete engine, while what I do I just do in my spare time (I'm not even working for a gamedev company...). Of course I want to make it better and more programmers friendly engine but that's still a long way to go I believe water could be adapted for LE - I'd be more than happy to know that algorithm I came up with is used more commonly so if anyone of you want to do this, do not hesitate. I will be also happy to help if there are any issues - just drop me an email (tomanw@gmail.com). BTW there is an article in which I described the technique used: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/ppWaterRender/ You can also visit my blog: http://wtomandev.blogspot.com where I describe many useful techniques and algorithms (or at least I hope so ).
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