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  1. Hi all, Good job Josh, and thanks to all to gave me some light to vehicle implentation. I've to try yet, but i've a problem, VS 2008, doesn't recognise some identifiers like Framework, some phy functions, etc... My question is, I'm missing something?(any dll, or whatever) I can't understand it. I do what the Video tutorial "Setting Up VS 2008 c++ Express Edition" tells. Pls help.
  2. i've wrote this code: TBody chasis=CreateBodyBox(1.2,0.5,4); EntityType(chasis,2); PositionEntity(chasis,Vec3(0.0,8.5,0.0)); SetBodyMass(chasis,800); TVehicle car=CreateVehicle(chasis); AddVehicleTire(car,Vec3(-0.75,8.0,0),0.3,0.25,70.0,150.0); This is theoricly how it must work no? If i put this code it crashes... Then i tried that (change "car" by "chasis" on AddVehicleTire command: TBody chasis=CreateBodyBox(1.2,0.5,4); EntityType(chasis,2); PositionEntity(chasis,Vec3(0.0,8.5,0.0)); SetBodyMass(chasis,800); TVehicle car=CreateVehicle(chasis); AddVehicleTire(chasis,Vec3(-0.75,8.0,0),0.3,0.25,70.0,150.0); It doesn't crash at startup, but when i apply force by adding torque it crashes. I'm blocked, pls help. Thanks in advance. BigB
  3. Hi all, I'm newcommer to this forum, few months ago i bought Leadwerks 2.28 SDK, and i want to know if there is anyway to make a vehicle from the scratch (without using any gmf model) in C/C++, i've tried everything (i think) and i only have compiling errors. I will be very greatfull if someone can post a simple c/c++ code for vehicles ( only a cube with 4 cylinders working ). Thanks in advance. BigB
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