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Everything posted by ZioRed

  1. That usually happens when you don't have the light/ambient models and lua scripts in your dir. Try to set the AbstractPath to your SDK path.
  2. AccessViolation is generally symptom of a zero-value pointer (I think GetChild returns such nullpointer entity instead of null if the child has not been found, but not sure on this).
  3. ZioRed

    C# SVN

    Last time I heard Tyler, he said it was most done and should be ready in some days/week.
  4. ZioRed

    C# SVN

    The new wrapper has been moved to Assembla, but it seems to be still under development and locked, so we cannot download it. If you want the source for the version 1.32.8 (latest before the new coming) I can send it to you, let me know. Else we need to wait for a stable release of the new wrapper.
  5. Well, in a struct you cannot declare default values for members which must be fully assigned in the constructor (but the constructor parameters can have a default value with NET 4.0), so I see it mostly unuseful too, except very rare cases in which you have only few variables and fewer methods (well a vector class has very few variables so it could be used).
  6. I removed this file, however that version was not build from your last code, it was before your all new stuff.
  7. What does it mean "does not interact"? Also may be more helpful if you post the code.
  8. Me for sure and may be few others coming. Are you really wasting a "Dual Intel Xeon X5670 (8 Cores : ~24GHz); 32 GB DDR3-1600 (ECC, Fully Buffered); PNY Quadro FX 4600 SDI 1536 MB GDDR3" with a Linux? ok stop the common OS war
  9. As promised I superficially tested the control and was able to select a mesh from a scene loaded in the control and update some TextBoxes and NumericUpDowns, if you're still interested you can download a sample program here (requires VC# 2010, it already contains the engine and wrapper DLLs in its debug directory so you need only to start debugging from the IDE or launch the compiled debug exe). In that example you can rotate the camera with holding the right button and select a mesh/terrain with left button. EDIT: the example assumes that your SDK folder is "C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK", else you need to change the code in the Init event of the control.
  10. File Name: .NET Leadwerks 1.32.8 File Submitter: ZioRed File Submitted: 14 Jul 2010 File Category: Tools and Utilities This is a compiled build 1.32.8 of the .NET wrapper for Leadwerks. Click here to download this file
  11. It's a custom User Control which deeply use the C# wrapper classes. However the source is free available on the Google Code space (you should use a SVN client like TortoiseSVN to download the branch: /trunk/Leadwerks.Controls). EDIT: I'm writing some tutorials on C# in the C# Programming section of tutorials, more coming next. RE-EDIT: the thing you're speaking about (adjusting controls on a form when something happens on the LE's control) should be simple in C#, I would try something later since I need a kind of little editor too.
  12. ZioRed


    Because SetPosition is a method and not a global function (LE's is PositionEntity) of a model object and your classes are not extending it but are new classes
  13. I am definitely not a senior game developer (I'm still newbie in game development), but I agree with someone else who said in another thread that currently LE is more a renderer engine than a game engine, and I think this is the focus of those negative comments. As pretty "game engine" LE still lacks some features that are exposed in many others, first but not last some AI and GUI specific. However I agree with Rick, probably most of the negatives' authors were probably non-programmers and the programmers among them were mostly complaining about a protracted period during which Josh did changes to the code invalidating something that worked before (and this seems to be true in the past as I read in many posts on this forum, even if I have no personal experience since I started with 2.31).
  14. Cannot you just set the beam as parent of both towers and free it when the last tower is freed?
  15. ZioRed


    I was only speaking about the name of the method, not its code content... I don't know very well how Lua works, perhaps there is already a global "SetPosition" method for any new object?
  16. With C# you can create a Windows Form application and then "draw it" drag&dropping components from a huge list (and the C# community has released a NET control to render LE inside it, thanks to klepto). But if you want to code in C++ then Pixel Perfect has published a showcase some days ago for its own navArea editor in which he has the scene rendered in an area of the window (may be you need GL commands), may be he can help.
  17. ZioRed


    Glad to see your work, just thinking that Position could be SetPosition as all the other methods
  18. I would suggest to do it in C# if you can, for anything UI related I think C# is much more simpler than C++ and we already have a render control that you can add in a .NET Windows Form.
  19. I forgot that you can check against Entity.Null instead of null, this is how also the NET System.Data works (with DBNull.Value): if (entity == Entity.Null) { // Wrong entity }
  20. ZioRed

    Quick code tip

    Yes I'd agree with Entity.Children[index] and Entity.Children["name"] instead of Entity[index] and Entity["name"], it's much more intuitive and readable.
  21. I dislike any *.Load method and would prefer to have a constructor instead. I also think that you will never have an invalid filepath in your game unless the player has hacked it (which you should check before the game is loaded with FileSystem.GetAbsolutePath).
  22. Check the Pointer of the mesh: Mesh mesh = Mesh.Load("abstract::mymesh.gmf"); if (mesh.Pointer == IntPtr.Zero) { // mesh not found }
  23. ZioRed

    Quick code tip

    In my opinion the syntax Entity["Child1"] is ugly, I would prefer a more readable way: Entity.Children[index] and Entity.FindChildren(name). Well, eventually I find that the standard GetChild(index or name) is the most readable.
  24. ZioRed

    C# SVN

    Thank you for the link, I'll give a glance to the NET wrapper linked there. Tyler is currently playing with Leadwerks.Game library (and relative side projects as AI and UI).
  25. ZioRed

    C# SVN

    Update from SVN, it has been already removed from SVN one or two revisions ago.
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