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Everything posted by ZioRed

  1. ZioRed

    C# SVN

    SVN updated for bugfix: - Basic Controller constructor updated with the default values (using the default contructor the collisions vs Terrain with a loaded Scene did not work and the controller fell through the terrain). PS: Josh can you pin this thread so that we can use for SVN updates announces?
  2. This issue is solved with the SDK 2.32
  3. If you are using 2.32 (or even the latest 2.31) and then re-added reference to the latest Leadwerks.DLL then you may experience some access violation because of some changes to the functions definition (may be those I already updated to the wrapper but not on the control). I will test the control in a few hours and then I may help you in this
  4. ZioRed

    C# SVN

    The latest headers from the klepto2's release is those on SVN, I have updated them with the last 2.31 function definition changes. The getting started tutorial on wiki should work also with the SVN release.
  5. You must download from the repository with some SVN tools like TortoiseSVN, then go to Source section of that web space. You should be able to update from SVN even if anonymous user.
  6. Ubu said that he was losing only few FPS on C#, that's why I am currently riding this way.
  7. Yes the "Scripts" folder (and may be the shaders.pak if you use it, not sure for this) should ever be in the game executable folder, even if you register the SDK folder as abstract path.
  8. On SVN there is a project "Leadwerks Forms Tests" in which a LETKControl is used to render.
  9. ZioRed

    C# SVN

    The headers on SVN should be now updated to 2.31 Known issues: - AccessViolationException raised in Core.AbstractPath() (Bug reported in Issues on Google Code, it would be easier to use that for official bug reporting with possible link to a specified thread)
  10. I suppose with GetEntityKey and SetEntityKey
  11. From the tutorial: // ..before main loop TEntity head=FindChild(mesh,"Bip01 Head"); ... // inside game loop if (KeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) { TurnEntity(head,Vec3(0,0.5,0));} if (KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) { TurnEntity(head,Vec3(0,-0.5,0));} if (KeyDown(KEY_UP)) { TurnEntity(head,Vec3(0.5,0,0));} if (KeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) { TurnEntity(head,Vec3(-0.5,0,0));} Try to call TurnEntity before or after the Animate call.
  12. There is the Power Tutorial to begin. 4) Adding the player After loading the map write this line: game.scene.SetCurrentPlayer("whateveryouwanttoname"); Then you can call the following in the game loop after the Update call: game.MouseLook(game.scene.cam); game.KeyboardMove(); game.PositionPlayerModel(); game.PositionCamera();
  13. I'm planning a kind of scene builder which parses a SBX file and loads it "manually" in multi-threading mode so that it let me to define a callback (for each entity load) which I can use to show a more or less accurate progress bar. For the atmoshpere example: why you need to set it manually from the scene? Initializing the framework with lua enabled did not work? Graphics.Initialize(800, 600); Framework.Initialize(true); Scene.Load("abstract::terrain_artic.sbx");
  14. ZioRed

    C# SVN

    Really good news, I've almost remade the project that I lose for wine lol B) I may update the C# headers as for latest 2.31 headers
  15. For .NET solutions I'm using Lidgren for UDP messaging (even if building a TCP/UDP server class is a relative simple task in .NET with Socket and I used it on an open source project of a game server emulation for DAoC), it's almost complete and very easy to use.
  16. You sell very nice works, I hope you will release the castle/medieval packs to Leadwerks GMF format, I didn't bought that pack because converting textures and models is really a boring task to me. But I may decide to buy something which is already in GMF format (with correct physics too, of course).
  17. For loading screen I was working on doing it in a C# lib I was planning to code, the plan is to manually parse a SBX file and call a callback (defined by the user) after loading each entity passing it the entity loaded and the count of all entities in the scene (to let drawing progress bar).
  18. With the following changes you will have a camera that stands behind the controller and rotate accordingly. 1. Create a Pivot for the cam and parent the cam to it: TPivot campiv = CreatePivot(); TCamera cam=GetLayerCamera(layer); EntityParent(cam, campiv); PositionEntity(cam,Vec3(0,0,0)); 2. Replace the code for positioning the cam with: //Position the camera TVec3 playerpos=EntityPosition(player); PositionEntity(campiv, playerpos); RotateEntity(campiv, EntityRotation(player)); MoveEntity(campiv, Vec3(0, 1.75, -5)); Don't know if that is what you needed.
  19. mmh.. sounds strange, however if it fixes... Now I must going to almost re-write many part of both client and server because after the third wine glass I carelessly copy&pasted in my working source folder an old version of the solution.... leave me now to put aside that damned wine, before I think to retake the old C++ work! Q_Q
  20. I doubt, it should be some problem with the Core.AbstractPath, because loading it with Mesh.Load("abstract::crawler.gmf") works fine. What is strange is that when I suggested to you the code in the other thread it worked, now the same command did not. From that moment I downloaded several SDK update, may be something changed in the last engine updates (I'm using 2.31). Now I'm going to try that function in a C++ test client to see if it works there. EDIT: Tried the AbstractPath command on a C++ project and it works fine, so it's really strange. The declaration in the wrapper seems to be correct: [DllImport(EngineDll, EntryPoint = "AbstractPath", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern string AbstractPath(string _path); Have someone any idea what may be the problem? The same command worked some weeks ago (before some updates of the 2.31 SDK), as I told, so I thought that it may be something in the last engine changes.
  21. When I call something like the following: string filepath = Leadwerks.FileSystem.GetAbsolutePath("abstract::crawler.gmf"); The Core.AbstractPath() call returns me an error (Attempted to read or write protected memory)... but when I tried it some weeks ago it worked. Everyone else may try this?
  22. It would be useful to have the chance to view a list of all objects added in the current scene and not only all the available objects and the added ones as nodes of the tree. I think that the current "all entities" list could be more useful in a "add entity to the scene" command.
  23. THIS will be really a nice feature!
  24. I definitely chose Leadwerks for a MMORPG project (fantasy environment) that I'm following currently. Yet I'm atm the only programmer, so the development will be quite slow for the beginning (however we have already wrote papers about mechanics, races/classes, storyboard and a draft of the map). After this project (if it will not end in a soap bubble, else ASAP) I'd like to start writing another project which is in my mind from a while. I may be available for any other project (better if on C#).
  25. I tried your 1st code and putting the SetRotation call after fw:Update the camera seems to work correctly: .. ballPivot = CreatePivot(ballBody) camera:SetParent(ballPivot) camrotation=Vec3(0,0,0) .. while KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do fw:Update() mx=Curve(MouseX()-GraphicsWidth()/2,mx,6) my=Curve(MouseY()-GraphicsHeight()/2,my,6) MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) camrotation.y = camrotation.y-mx/10.0 camrotation.x = camrotation.x+my/10.0 ballPivot:SetRotation(camrotation, 1) fw:Render() Flip(0) end
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