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Everything posted by ZioRed

  1. Then for now I have to find another way for AI. But may be nice a command like FreeEngine which free any resources, or can we call EndRender() to avoid it?
  2. As I remember the forces don't work on Controller, I think this is a feature request too (may be by Rick?). Currently I'm just using your technique: a controller with a mesh which I move/rotate together with the controller (not parenting, just move and rotate the mesh when the controller moves/rotates, because I had unattended behaviour parenting the mesh to the controller).
  3. It is that... as told you, CreatePivot(parent) create a pivot with "parent" as its parent entity (at least that is on wiki). Probably I misunderstood what you needed. Unfortunately I am not at home now and cannot try your code, I will try it in the next 4 hours.
  4. I have seen inside engine.cpp the content of Terminate and perhaps you may manually call EndRender() and then call the FreeLibrary code by yourself when you need it. Well this way seems to me more a hack that the right way, then I agree that a feature request should be best, but until that...
  5. Why do you parent the pivot to the body and then rotate the pivot? I think you should parent the body to the pivot and then the SetRotation of ballPivot makes sense... Or else, if you still parent pivot to body, try to rotate the body and not the pivot.
  6. I think it is impossible at this moment. I was looking for something like that too for the server component of my MMORPG. The reason I would like to use the engine in the server component is principally for the AI of the NPCs, to avoid passing through walls when following a player or just walking around randomly, and to calculate LOS (line of sight). If someone have some suggestion to solve these problem I would appreciate very much. Else I have to go forward using a player for LOS and path calculation (but it means more network traffic and hacking chance).
  7. Well I noticed that ScaleEntity in the engine DLL is declared: ScaleEntity(TEntity entity, const Vec3 &scale) Then the problem seems again the wrapping: Entity.cs should be updated changing: Core.ScaleEntity(this.Pointer, value.ToFloatArray(), 0); to: Core.ScaleEntity(this.Pointer, value.ToFloatArray());
  8. I think it is the network event occurred, however I haven't tried the LE network functions but I tried Raknet and it is really easy to handle network with it so I suggest you that, expecially if you have to create a MMO with permanent world.
  9. I wrote a newbie tutorial for InnoSetup on my blog, give it a glance.
  10. In every type of program or game, the most annoying step for me is the installation setup. If you don't really need particular setup layout or functionality, then Inno Setup can be what you are looking for saving your time (and money, since it is free!). Here I go to explain how you can build the setup application for your game in few easy steps. From the Inno Setup IDE begin to create a new script with wizard and compile the fields as you need: The next step is to choose the default installation folder and name: Next choose the files needed (those listed in this screenshot should be all, it suppose that you have start.luac in the root of your game folder so that the link may be only to engine.exe and you don't need parameter to start it and you have all the models, sounds, maps, textures and others in the Media folder): Finally choose the start menu folder name and some options (I just suggest to check the option CREATE UNINSTALL ICON): The last windows of the wizards are self-explained by themselves and don't need more info, just in the step COMPILER SETTINGS select the output folder in which the compiler create your setup. That's all, just accept to compile the script when asked at the end of the wizard and you will have (and run directly after build) your setup in the output folder you chose. This example has been done in answer to a question from a LUA user of the community, but of course it is valid for every languages, just you will not need to add the .LUAC file and Engine.exe in your list.
  11. Well, I don't know what happens, but stepping back to 2.31 the model viewer works, while upgrading to 2.32b (even with FORCE UPDATE checked) it crashes everytime I open a GMF.
  12. CreateController and UpdateController must be updated to the current header declaration (added crouch height in Create and crouch mode in Update). /Leadwerks.cs: lines 314-319 [DllImport(EngineDll, EntryPoint = "CreateController", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern IntPtr CreateController(float _height, float _radius, float _stepheight, float _maxslope, float _crouchHeight); [DllImport(EngineDll, EntryPoint = "UpdateController", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern void UpdateController(IntPtr _controller, float _angle, float _move, float _strafe, float _jump, float _maxacceleration, int _iterations, int _crouchMode); /Controller.cs public class Controller : Body { public Controller() : base() { this.Pointer = Core.CreateController(1, 0, 0, 45, 0); } public Controller(float height, float radius, float stepHeight, float maxSlope, float crouchHeight) : base() { this.Pointer = Core.CreateController(height, radius, stepHeight, maxSlope, crouchHeight); } public Controller(IntPtr pointer) : base(pointer) { } public void Update(float angle, float move, float strafe, float jump, float maxAcceleration, int iterations, int crouchMode) { Core.UpdateController(this.Pointer, angle, move, strafe, jump, maxAcceleration, iterations, crouchMode); } public bool IsAirborne() { return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.ControllerAirborne(this.Pointer)); } } PS: any thought about creating an open source project and create a small group to mantain it updated? If no news about this in few days then I could open a project myself based on last klepto2 headers (well I bring some enhancement by myself, like changing to public the constructor with IntPtr and the Load method on the Mesh class and some other minimal change which now I don't remember). EDIT: This topic could be closed since it was released a SVN repository which is now up to date.
  13. I'm correctly running the engine, both editor and game client. Only the Model Viewer crashes with 2.32beta. However this is my notebook: CPU Intel Core 2 Duo RAM 4GB Video NVIDIA GT 220M with 1GB Windows 7 64-bit PS: swapped back to 2.31 until 2.32 final release.
  14. Updating my SDK to 2.32 Beta, the Model Viewer always crashes opening any model (even those included in the SDK, i.e. the oildrum). The last line of ModelViewer.log reports loading shaders, then it crashes. I'm using Windows 7 64bit, anyone else had this problem and solved it?
  15. You can name your main file as start.lua, then compile it in the Script editor (you should then have a file start.luac) and finally you can directly run "Engine.exe" without parameter (since it searches for "start.lua" or "start.luac" file to run when no file is passed as parameter; if you use the compiled .luac script then you don't need to distribute the .lua file). I think the best way of doing your setup is to use some setup software, for example InnoSetup. I haven't still used LUA as base code for all the application so it may be I'm wrong, but I think it should be the way.
  16. Have you setup the Mass (at least 1) and CollisionType (remember to initialize the collisions with Collisions.Set) of your body? Instead of using directly Core.SetFluidPlane you can use the OOP way of the wrapper with Fluid.SetPlane There is an example for C in the wiki, try that code (you have to convert from C to C# but it should be an easy task).
  17. I'm not sure to have understood correctly your question, but if you have to face a model towards another one I think the easier way is with PointEntity? You may create a Pivot and move it together with your mouse move coordinates (may be X and Z), then call PointEntity from your character mesh to the pivot.
  18. The goal was to create a character selection screen with the model of the actual characters drawed over a background image, but I am actually more attracted in using a scene for that screen instead of a static background and I'm going in that direction now. However I am curios about how to draw an image behind a model and not over it.
  19. If all the files needed are in the same folder as the script then I don't think you need to register the abstract path, or else you may assign it to "."
  20. Try to use GetChild on your Scene object, you can pass it the property "name" that you assign to the object in the Editor (not sure if it is, maybe you should cycle through the Children array of the Scene to find what you want). Scene yourScene = Scene.Load("abstract::YOURMAP.sbx"); Vector3 waterPosition = yourScene.GetChild("YOUR_WATERPLAN_NAME").Position;
  21. What is the right sequence of code to draw a TModel over a background image? I tried to create the model, then call UpdateFramework and RenderFramework and finally using DrawImage (my code is in C#, but the sequence and commands are those), but the result is that only the background texture appears (probably the model resides behind it).
  22. Unfortunately the wrapper is not documented, but it is enough OOP to let you discover everything (I usually search the functions I need in the wiki for C++, then open the wrapper source and search inside for Core.TheSearchedFunctionName method to see what is the relative method call). For positions and rotation every Entity has the properties Position and Rotation, which are Vector3.
  23. No problem, I'm happy to be useful and appreciate your offer, it may be useful nextly since I am planning something
  24. Well if the use of struct instead of class significantly affects performance then I agree that it should be done (turning up our noses for aestethics).
  25. mmh.. perhaps I remember wrong, but I thought that, when passing structs to a method, a copy of the struct is passed to the function, while passing a class a reference is passed. If it is so (as it seems from here), then I see no performance improvement changing "class" to "struct". Am I wrong?
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