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Everything posted by ZioRed
I think Leadwerks library is not built for x64, try to switch to i386 architecture (select the project > build settings > architectures)
I agree with Rick, LUA may be nice (except myself) but it's really limiting if we could only use the engine functions and cannot rely on third party libraries to make everything possible (from creating a new window in the editor to customize the property panels when an object is selected in the scene etc). A full support to more advanced stuff would be more interesting, I honestly would better invest time in C++ support for editor plugins (our assets packages could contain editor plugins too to easily manage its gameplay scripts in the scene).
Is there any other useful functions in FileSystem that we should know? For example I remember that we could use your FS to load content from web (e.g. response from a webservice), is that still available in LE3 under the hood? It would be really great to have since I could ensure platform-independent feature to my Combu for LE/C++ (it's currently using libcurl to access webservices, I don't know if it works on iOS [i suppose yes here, since I have the dylib on Xcode] and Android)
You should really get rid of those unwanted elements directly from the model source instead of only apply the invisible material, first because they waste geometry and second because it could lead to unwanted collisions detected with the invisible limbs (I suppose that the material only does not render but the physics would detect them anyway).
Finally the fine way to manage the camera in editor. Cool! Now we're only missing better gizmos to visually see how an object/pivot is rotated (for both world and local space), unless it's already included in this update (downloading now).
More than multiple terrains (that I personally don't find a usual way), it's probably more common to have a function to load a scene additive besides the current Map::Load (that is without clearing the current one, but "adding" the new scene "into" so in the editor in the 2nd scene you set the position of the terrain where the previous scene terrain ends).
Of course, as most of times, I totally agree with you Rick, we're on the same wave around that. I tried to explain the same concept, though I probably was felt like an attacker to a programming style (when I'm definitely not).
Yeah I don't like to use methods where a member is more suited, that's why I love C# and its Properties much more than C++, though in C++ we have usually getter/setter methods so I'd just prefer to stick to them. But it's not a problem (if you know what you should or shouldn't do, that's why a strong documentation is definitely needed in these cases, especially for mentioning what members you shouldn't touch since they're public [and I'm used to read through the headers when the documentation lacks something]) or big criticism, it's just personal taste.
This is a personal thought about OOP, that of course I completely disagree for the reasons I explained in another thread, but this is your product and your programming style so if you find it good then I'm fine too (may be a little estranged, but fine). PS: the members don't exist so you can write less code, if we're talking for example about a variable that is used in a loop to update a position then you're right but if I can mess your class methods by just changing a member that you set public in your World class and by doing so your class fails or crash then you should agree that it's definitely not good (it's just an example, I don't know for example if changing or deleting "entities" or "octrees" in the World class would cause crashes or something and the fact that "I should read the documentation" is definitely not a good reason if you allow me to do [also because the documentation is a little..ehm..well let's say not exactly complete]).
I completely agree with Naughty Alien, even if I never used procedural programming in my life for anything (except Qbasic), neither in PHP4 (or may be I came to PHP4 when they added classes), neither in LE2 (since I used our C# bindings there). Also I don't know where ypu found "57%" statistics, it sounds quite strange (or are you considering C-guys or nostalgic ones), I personally never found one only dev who liked procedural over OOP (but it could only be "lucky").
Oops... I didn't notice "to l2"
About any FBX/OBJ (and may be other formats, don't know exactly what) model, it's just matter of drag&drop them in a folder inside your project. If you're talking about old LE2 GMF format then you'll need to convert them to FBX/OBJ (or other supported formats), if I remember well the Leadwerks plugin for Unwrap3D (you probably need the full Pro version of U3D) allows you to import a GMF there and then you can export it as FBX (and others).
ehm.... I'm sorry for what I'm saying now, but your sentence is just bad programming and I bet you know (especially talking about C++ programming) You should never trust the developer who will use the library, it's definitely evil and a robust library will never allow the developer to mess its functions. You should make better use of getter (and setter where appliable) methods if you need access from elsewhere (or protected members to be used in the inherited classes)... PS: notice, I'm not saying you're a bad programmer, I'm saying this particular sentence is very bad programming. However I agree with Tanelxen about this topic.
Voted! What I can suggest to you (if you don't find partners here) is to search on the web, any game developers forums/communities, since many game devs are busy with their own games or just too busy at work (for example myself, I would like to make something with others [like LCP2] but am really too busy on third-party paid projects so I prefer to not spend my spare time to another serious/semi-serious project). Oh well, I suppose it's not exactly so straight... I come from Italy (which was hit very much by real WW2 like Germany [but lower], being unfortunately an allied of Nazism), though WW2 titles are very much popular here and I can say with some sureness (talked to many friends who are from a part or another of the "factions") that italian players don't care about it, if a game is good and fun then we will play any way even if it has scenes against our faction. For sure if you make a game where you can choose your faction (for example Nazi/Fascist OR Allied) then it will be more popular because the scums (I mean Nazi&Fascist here, of course) will have more reasons to have fun (except myself, because of my political ideas I won't never play that faction even if it's "only" a game [my grandfathers were partisans from the italian resistance to those sh*t]).
YG you confused their notice, they talk about Havok PHYSICS and ANIMATION systems only (as free of charge for equals or lesser than 10$ as retail price for your game), not AI that is included only in the standard/budget-based license type.
That's why Mac's sales started to increase along the few years... I was in the same situation, I wanted to develop for iOS and MacOS so I needed to buy an iMac (and in the long run I'm now more than happy for this outcome). The main reason why I am really happy is because with iMac I don't need to have ALSO a PC to run the three systems, since with Bootcamp you can easily restart in Windows and Linux (I personally rarely reboot, I use Parallels Desktop to run the same bootcamp partition in a VM, not the best choice for performance but I just stopped to buy Windows-only games instead I'm buying only games that have native client for Mac too, and I'm pretty sure more and more games will come to multi-platforms support because Macs are now good enough to play with fun, for example I play Diablo3, GuildWars2 and D&D-Online at maximum graphics without any lag or issues, it never crashed since 2 years and OSX is definitely a good system [waiting for Maverick incoming, it looks very cool]). However if you google "hackintosh" you'll see there are some chances you could build your own Mac with a PC (not really recommended, but it's an option if you have time, patience and low budget if you only need to compile Xcode; but I'd rather save some money and buy a real Mac if you're going to use iOS very much [Apple Store allows payments by installments and you'll receive a small higher discount if you call their phone service instead of using their website to make a purchase]).
It's not a surprise to me, iOS users are just much more used to pay (it's not me saying that, it's just statistics) BUT I'd suggest to not drop Android, for your marketing it's a good source to spread your title. What is usually done by other companies is to release the "awesome" version for iOS at first, after some weeks/a-month a "stable" version for Android (usually at lesser price or free of charge) but maintaining up to date more iOS than Android (I mean delaying updates on Android), the reason why they do this is because unfortunately most people on Android seems to be more reluctant to spend money (that instead is the reason why you code games), again I noticed this behavior also by my own with all my customers, they use Android only to make marketing but rely on iOS to make money.
I am mainly working for others all the day, so I have very few spare time to dedicate to my own projects. However I have 3 projects that I'm working on (but voted 1 in the poll because you specified "Leadwerks projects" in the option): - Risk-style multiplayer GameCenter for iOS (not LE) - Room based MMORPG for Windows/Mac/Linux (not LE) - Sort of dungeon hunting fantasy action for Windows/Mac (LE) The first in the list is almost done, just need to add something and could be ready with very few weeks, but I'm feeling a bit lazy these days (maybe too much others' job that I'm not capable to concentrate on these).
Very nice resources, thank you very much for the link! So now I can have nice textures on my awesome cubes lol!
@Josh: the fact that you're not comfortable with component based programming does not mean that it's a mess or less modular (lol I wonder how such a system that is created for modularity is lesser modular, it sounds like the old LE2 API style against the OOP, but now you see that OOP is much more effective so I'm pretty sure you'll see that components is better than singular). It mostly depends on how you (the engine) design it and how the devs use it About single/multiple script management, I was a little disappointed at first like most of you, but since a while I decided to completely drop the LUA things and work only in C++, so I've built my own component based system in C++ and it works well and exactly as I love, so I'm fine now Live example, a component to handle animations, another to handle input for my player gameObject: Player::Player(string name, Entity* playerModel) : GameObject(name, playerModel) { input = AddComponent<PlayerInput>(); animation = AddComponent<CharacterAnimation>(); SetupAnimations(); } void Player::SetupAnimations() { animation->AddAnimation("idle", 1, 0.05, 200, true); } void PlayerInput::LateUpdate() { player->GetComponent<CharacterAnimation>()->PlayAnimation("idle"); }
woot!! rofl sorry I had to post it!
It was cleared many times, LE3 (and so future versions too) already comes with a fallback for the systems that don't support the latest renderer, it's managed in the shaders as any other engine does (take a look at the current shaders, they have OGL2 as default renderer and OGLES2 as fallback)
It depends on specific need, I mean the Prefabs advantage comes if you need to have something more inclusive than just a model, for example I created a prefab for my Player model which has the following hierarchy: Player [Pivot, with CharacterController physics] - Avatar model [for example the barbarian] - Camera already positioned behind the avatar model This way I load this prefab and don't need to create a camera and parent it to the player's model or write a class to change its position every frame (since I need a third person camera). Another example could be a prefab for the enemies, it could contain for example the model itself and an AI attack trigger (well, I didn't look for now about triggers in LE, here I'm just talking by examples that I use on other engines but I suppose it will work here too in similar ways). Another example of use of a prefab could be when you need to have a model with particular material/physics settings different from the original model, this way you create a prefab instead of doing everything through code. Mainly prefabs allows you to setup an entity that else you should do by code at no cost, but they aren't substitutes but complementaries.
It is exactly what I meant here: However I'll follow your suggestion and will just ignore this kind of topic. Again, sorry for having been so rude
Mike, I see you're around here since 3 months only, I'm here since 2010 so I read TONS of posts like yours over these years neither of which had any or most influence on the company decisions (except may be one only time about a very high price offered) and that's why I say that now it's disgusting me. It didn't mean I disgust you or your point of view or your posts, but the topic itself because I know it will not have any influence at all having tried in the past. I'm sorry if you felt offended by my post, it was definitely not my intention, I love communities and helping people (collaborated to the community C# headers for LE2, created the LE Builder software myself and gave its source to Josh and I think it was used as base for the "Project Manager" you have now, and others) and I think everyone around here knows me enough to understand that I'm almost never so rude. So if you really felt offended or insulted, please excuse me.