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Everything posted by ZioRed

  1. The Steam tab in the user's profile page generates errors when no XML was returned by the Steam community's webservice, e.g. see the dreamhead's Steam tab (well I sent him its Steam ID number so maybe he will update its profile soon, however the link of the XML was: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/one%20big...........xml).
  2. Templates updated with the code for headers 2.0
  3. The new syntax is: Terrain terrain = new Terrain(resolution); Mostly of the old ".Load" or ".Create" seems finally to be replaced with the OOP way of "new [Class]" (new Mesh.Cube())
  4. It should be the one in the download > tools section
  5. I would allow to pass a Parameter[] to the constructor of each Behavior so you don't need to ClearParameters() And maybe a Call method instead of constructor is preferable as class design since may happen you need to create a Behavior from scratch (or it may be called in unwanted times causing unwanted behaviours, think to Reflection in example). My 2 cents
  6. I cannot see the msapplication-* meta tags in the source of these pages, where and what have you added? Indeed pinning Werkspace does not produce any custom menu for me (Win7x64+IE9 beta).
  7. Welcome aboard, glad to see NET people growing
  8. This of course is your own opinion. I don't like your discredit for everyone who doesn't use C/C++ and have your open crossplatform free software point of view. oh well the open free software, but you sell your products or give them away for nothing? even Android is a free software but the most Android smarphones have the same price as Windows Mobile.. not too politically correct according to me. Your obsession against NET and Microsoft in general is really ridiculous and your words for sure don't make you a great man since so you manifest only a disrespectful behaviour for the others.... well this is my own opinion, but you can continue your war against Microsoft (even if you know you cannot compete nor win)
  9. Well, $169-$229 is really something that I could accept as reasonable price to upgrade a laptop (if its CPU is not too old).
  10. Try to find LESDK.exe (the old setup program for LE 2.30 and maybe earlier) in the PC of your cousin, if there is then you can launch it and the license number should appear in its field on the setup/update window (which you can use to install a new fresh copy of LE 2.40 telling it to Josh as requested in the other topic), else you are on the way to think that he downloaded a pirated version Back on topic you can see how the things work in the fpscontroller.lua script and relative bullet.lua (they are inside the Scripts folder).
  11. It would be a good idea to not force us to change our laptop when the graphic card becomes "old", but its cost is really too expensive and for that price you could buy a new laptop with the latest graphic card mounted onboard (i.e. I bought my laptop with the specs in my signature for 600€) :/
  12. Sometimes I saw those red thing when I selected a wrong shader in the material file.
  13. UU3D doesn't export materials (neither textures), you must create it by yourself.
  14. I cannot understand why all non-NET programmers complain about "downloading XXX MB of framework", don't you know that you can simply include the framework redistribution package directly in your setup program?
  15. Glad to see that I'm not alone against the wife's idea that game programming is wasted or is only as playing a game
  16. I should see what code you used to crash (maybe you tried to set texture on the model material when no material was assigned to it?), however the code to change the texture of a material at runtime: // .. engine initialize functions TModel box = LoadModel("abstract::oildrum.gmf"); TMaterial mat = LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat"); PaintEntity(box, mat, 1); while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) && !AppTerminate()) { if (KeyHit(KEY_I)) SetMaterialTexture(mat, LoadTexture("abstract::road_dashedwhite2.dds"), 0); else if (KeyHit(KEY_V)) SetMaterialTexture(mat, LoadTexture("abstract::cobblestones.dds"), 0); UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); Flip(); } return Terminate();
  17. Is realistic that your new custom engine and official engine sources will be "merged" in the next future before LE3? I ask this because I have a few projects on the table which I would like to work on and personally I'm not so convinced to want to rely on unofficial version of the engine (one thing is a wrapper, another is a custom lib). My other solution if I don't want to wait for LE3 (and its I hope finally managed code or official wrapper) is to use (and update if needed) the old 1.32 headers.
  18. Yes it's a simple placeholder but you have hardcoded some properties with your gamelib (as strength, and some few other as I remember) which are not documented (if I remember well)
  19. You are painting a model (which has mesh as child) and not a mesh directly, so you need to specify the recursion: PaintEntity(ball,LoadMaterial("data/ball2.mat"), 1);
  20. Yes the tutorial reads the player from the map as far as I remember (don't rely on me for this ) but I found that you should use the info_playerstart model (or better .lua) which is inside the archive attached to the tutorial, before I had some issues with the one downloaded from the download section of this site (don't remember exactly what).
  21. No, you must drag the icon on the right of the URL from the address bar of IE to your Windows taskbar to pin.
  22. ZioRed

    Internet Explorer 9

    I've set it as default browser (even if it's still beta) on my Win7 x64 and istantly "pinned" Werkspace (so I wait for the hotlinks on my context menu soon ), no problems here and it seems as quick as Chrome, don't know why Lazlo has those performance issues, my CTRL+T opens a new tab in 0.3s, but I disabled all the plugins which hits more than 0.3s to load. EDIT: an issue is when I click on an image thumb controlled by the script of this site (I'll try more sites which have the same script to handle automatic thumbnail with zoom in as lightbox), clicking on the image it redirects to the image instead of opening the javascript zoom window.
  23. Internet Explorer 9 beta has recently been released and one of the new features is the chance to enabling a website as "app" wich will has its own space on your system and will be opened in its own window, just dragging its "favicon" from the address bar of IE to your Windows taskbar (from here it will be a "pinned site". Once "pinned", the link on the taskbar can handle a collection of custom links which will be listed inside the context menu clicking on the link with the right mouse button: To create a link in the context menu you need write the following meta tag: <meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=%MENU ITEM TEXT%;action-uri=%URL TO LINK%;icon-uri=%ICO FILE%"/> An example meta tag is one of those from Facebook: <meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=News;action-uri=/home.php?sk=nf;icon-uri=/images/icons/app/news.ico"/> You can add more meta tags with the following "name" attribute: application-name: The name of the shortcut. If missing, the document title is used instead. msapplication-tooltip: Optional text that is displayed as a tooltip when the mouse pointer hovers over the pinned site shortcut icon in the Windows Start menu. msapplication-starturl: The root URL of the application. If missing, the address of the current page is used instead. Only HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP protocols are allowed. msapplication-navbutton-color: The color of the Back and Forward buttons in the pinned site browser window. Any named color, or hex color value as defined by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Level 3 (CSS3), is valid. For more information, see Color Table. If this meta element is absent, the color is based on the shortcut icon. msapplication-window: The initial size of the pinned site browser window. Content sub-elements provide size as number N, separated by a semicolon. width=N (minimum 800) height=N (minimum 600) msapplication-task: Up to five tasks can be predefined. Tasks appear as options on the shortcut menu of the pinned site shortcut when it pinned to the Start menu or taskbar, or when the application is running. Content sub-elements provide task details. Separate values by using semicolons. name=STR; action-uri=URI; icon-uri=URI
  24. Yes, it exports animations too. You can export from Blender to one of the dozen formats supported by UU3D (through the free plugins on their download page) and from there you can export in GMF format (the plugin is available on that page). Or you can export directly from 3D Studio Max if you use it, through Arbuz's plugin for 3DSMax
  25. ZioRed

    OO Font

    +1 I agree with this, possibly creating a TFont class where we can set everything (name, size [if possible, it's a pain to do DDS for each font size we need], color, styles [italic/underline/bold even all at once]). The only addition of Vector4 color is not enough for me, since it saves only one line of code.
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