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Everything posted by Calimaw

  1. Okay, so I did a clean install of 2.23, then updated to 2.28, and stuff broke. Sandbox was throwing an error about loading Arial<number>.dds, I cant recall which. Which caused it to silently crash (checked the logs to find out why), and apparently it was one of the materials in the effects folder. Regardless, stuff seems wrong. When I was using 2.0 the waterplane entity would show an actual water plane, this version shows some hexagonal shape that is no where near the same, and theres two objects that would look like they should be the env_waterplane, neither of which is actually given the prefix of env_, nor found in the env_ tree. I find this to be extremely irritating. Must I seriously spend $50 to upgrade to 2.3 in order to get rid of all of these problems; problems that shouldn't even be occurring, since I did pay for a working engine which broke itself during up dates and in the process lost content and usability? I planned to do it at some point, but I feel like this was almost done on purpose... Let me know if my irritation is ill-gotten, and if there is something I should be aware of.
  2. Okay, thanks for the information, gives me a good place to start. Appreciate it!
  3. Alright, I mean it makes perfect sense that youd want as clean of an install as possible. What would be my best option to getting the content and examples? Do I simple download each executable in the SDK directory of the repository and install them one at a time up to 2.28?
  4. I seem to be missing a lot of content. Im not sure if its because I installed the 2.28 SDK with out installing the others or not. If that is the case, would I need to install every other version to get the content?
  5. Sorry for my ignorance, but due to the lack of tutorials on BMax I'm probably going to be making plenty of requests for help until I stop piddling in my diaper. I have created a simple scene with the SBox editor that came stock with SDK 2.0, and I'm wondering how to generate the environment light, and the water plane object, of which were both placed with the SBox editor.
  6. Will do so (I haven't rebooted in a long while). Thanks!
  7. When Im using the Sandbox editor for 2.0 and I attempt to move (holding rightclick, + W A S D) I will move in the correct direction, and back again in a rapid fashion, similar to being on an angry bungee cord.
  8. That's odd, I thought perhaps you did, and people were just assuming I had done so. If, in my case, I had to do that, then I suspect I'd have to do that for many things to utilize them. Will test this theory. I appreciate the attention given to my problem, thanks a bunch
  9. Well, as I said I'm a novice, so maybe this will get you some laughs. I had to add Import brl.map to the example code.
  10. Alright, I'll give it a shot there. You'd think they'd tell you straight up. " Features: BlitzMax compiler, core BlitzMax modules, Max2D graphics module, IDE, debugger, sample code and documentation. Source code for all modules included. " " ... core BlitzMax modules,... ", almost comes off as an exclusive statement doesn't it!
  11. The version is 1.37, there is a brl.mod folder in the BlitzMaxDemo\mod folder, which has a brl.mod\map.mod folder, which contains 8 files, debug/release versions, each of which is either mt or not. I have also followed the PDF tutorial for BlitzMax provided by my version of the SDK to the letter, and used its' example, with the same error occuring. I have tried combinations of build modes as well. Just to make sure I also set the project path manually instead of using AppDir, also with no luck. Would any one require specific information I can give you to better see a possible problem?
  12. If some one could download the trial and test for me I'd appreciate it. The problem is I'm new to BM, and I really wanted to just try it out before a commitment. I could use CPP as soon as I could use BM, but my focus is more towards game development than anything else (hence using a game developing specific language). Sorry for my short-comings as well, I'm a sound designer by trade, not a programmer (but some times youre better off doing it yourself, they say) Give me a heads up if you find anything else out, appreciate the responses thus far.
  13. Yea, I did do that. I'm new to BlitzMax as well, so perhaps build options are not correct, or something along those lines? In addition, my system uses another partition for my Users folder, which My Documents is in. But I made a quick test to check if it resolves AppDir to the correct location and drive, which it does. brl.mod gman.mod koriolis.mod leadwerks.mod maxgui.mod pub.mod are inside of D:\Program Files\BlitzMaxDemo\mod.
  14. Hey, I purchased LW back in 2009, and have not upgraded to 2.3. I've followed the "Setting up BlitzMax" instructions, and have created a new project folder in MyDocuments. The project folder contains my <sample>.bmx file with OpenAL32.dll, newton.dll, and a folder called "Shaders" which is the shaders.pak content unpacked directly into that folder. The code is a direct copy of one of the tutorials examples, as follows: Framework Leadwerks.Engine RegisterAbstractPath AppDir Graphics 1024,768 CreateWorld CreateCamera While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) RenderWorld DrawText "Hello World!",0,0 Flip Wend End ...the problem I'm having is that I run into an error, as shown: ...any idea what I did wrong?
  15. I just saw that, I'm an idiot. Thanks
  16. Why do I keep getting " [#103139] You do not have permission to view this forum. " as an error when trying to view certain areas of the forum? I've purchased LE.
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