Okay, so I did a clean install of 2.23, then updated to 2.28, and stuff broke. Sandbox was throwing an error about loading Arial<number>.dds, I cant recall which. Which caused it to silently crash (checked the logs to find out why), and apparently it was one of the materials in the effects folder. Regardless, stuff seems wrong. When I was using 2.0 the waterplane entity would show an actual water plane, this version shows some hexagonal shape that is no where near the same, and theres two objects that would look like they should be the env_waterplane, neither of which is actually given the prefix of env_, nor found in the env_ tree.
I find this to be extremely irritating. Must I seriously spend $50 to upgrade to 2.3 in order to get rid of all of these problems; problems that shouldn't even be occurring, since I did pay for a working engine which broke itself during up dates and in the process lost content and usability? I planned to do it at some point, but I feel like this was almost done on purpose...
Let me know if my irritation is ill-gotten, and if there is something I should be aware of.