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Everything posted by josk

  1. Has anyone manage to produce some nice looking electrical sparks, if so can anyone provide me with some settings for an emitter and possible texture. Been trying with both to no avail, Thanks. If theres a better way to produce them instead i'm up for ideas.
  2. Programming in Lua, Second Edition by Roberto Ierusalimschy Seems the 3rd edition is now out. Though you can find most the same info on the web it good to have as a reference at hand.
  3. Let me know what they say. Now LW has encrypted asset files I'm not sure of any benifit. I like how it puts everything into one executable with a splash image. Only used smartpacker before as some demo's I put out had some licensed models.
  4. Lua only project. Copy game files as above and delete your zip folder. In SmartPacker Pro set source to your game application, Target to whatever name and destination (I usually set the project folder). Click Build. The rest of the settings are default. In Storage Autosave ticked, Compression ZLIB, Encryption Med. Left all options blank. Though I have used some of the options before, splash image etc. I'm using SmartPacker Pro 1.9
  5. When you publish a game the files get encrypted and I believe this stops your game working. If you copy the contents of your source folder minus code and delete the encrypted file it works. See this thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11607-unencrypted-publish/page__hl__publish encryption within encryption
  6. I have used Smart Packer Pro with earlier versions of LE with no problems. Will take a look tonight after work.
  7. Confirm, I only open up scripts from the Scene tab so didn't notice this.
  8. From one of my projects called Lunar lander, very simple but easy to adapt and add more. Give you model Character controller and some mass. function Script:Start() self.entity:SetGravityMode(false) self.rot = Vec3(0,0,0) self.input = 0 end function Script:UpdatePhysics() local v = self.entity:GetVelocity() local turnspeed=1 if v.y <= 4 then if (App.window:KeyDown(Key.Space)) then self.entity:AddForce(0,0.5*Time:GetSpeed(),0) else if v.y >= -1 then self.entity:AddForce(0,-0.05*Time:GetSpeed(),0) end end end if (App.window:KeyDown(Key.W)) then self.input = 0.5 end if (App.window:KeyDown(Key.S)) then self.input = -0.5 end if (App.window:KeyDown(Key.Q)) then self.rot.y=self.rot.y-turnspeed*Time:GetSpeed() end if (App.window:KeyDown(Key.E)) then self.rot.y=self.rot.y+turnspeed*Time:GetSpeed() end self.entity:SetInput(self.rot.y,0,self.input,0,false,1) end
  9. I think it was a game called Hoodwink that was released.
  10. LE3 is so much easier to work with, especially for hobby coders like me. Apart from making a few pretty scenes to run around in I never really got round to any gameplay in LE2.
  11. Script.healthpoints=15 --float "Health Points" function Script:Start() local sound = Sound:Load("Sound/Player/pickupammo.wav") self.source = Source:Create() self.source:SetSound(sound) end function Script:Use(person) if person.entity.script.health>0 then person.entity.script.health= person.entity.script.health + self.healthpoints self.source:Play() if person.entity.script.health>person.entity.script.maxHealth then person.entity.script.health=person.entity.script.maxHealth end end end Not seen the medpack script but the following should work. Add the code to Script:Start and to play the sound use self.source:Play().
  12. As the title says, I think I remember in the past there was a tool to do this. Thanks.
  13. +1 the scene tree needs a few improvements to help it become more manageable.
  14. Your doing a great job with the tutorials, a real asset to the community. Even though I got FlowGUi I have not used it much yet, though that should change in the coming weeks. Thanks.
  15. Could you not just make a switch which is near the teleporter that you have to press that turns the teleporter on. Afetr one use the switch is automatically set back to off. This might interrupt the flow of the game, depends what you are going for. Another idea is to use Entity:GetDistance that will switch the teleporter back on when you have moved so far away.
  16. Try reinstalling through workshop in the editor, Subscribed section. EDIT The files are there just not linking to the map when you run the map. Further EDIT, click on save in the Editor and all is well when you run the map.
  17. You might want to check out this thread. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10198-get-shadow-info-for-stealth-game-thief-like/page__hl__shadow
  18. Check the part where you create the Flashlight. Looks like everytime you press F you are creating another flashlight.
  19. josk

    Otter Demo

    This looks good, looking forward to seeing more.
  20. When you download from the mixamo site go to my purchases and download your character from there. Pick FBX(.fbx) for download and from the drop down box pick include skin. Then click download. The animated one has got to be downloaded from the my purchase section not my character section. When downloaded copy into your leadwerks model folder. In that folder now is your model There is also a sub folder that is called basic locomotion pack.fbm. (or whatever animation you added to your model on the mixamo site) Copy the PNG images from that into your model folder, Now your animations should work. double click your model to bring up the model viewer to check they work. Also go here, http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10369-fuse-software-from-mixamo/#entry76433 I had to constrain the animation root node on the loco pack using Ulitamate Unwrap (a very good investmment) http://www.unwrap3d.com/u3d/index.aspx Result before constrain Hope this helps. Also if you download the free walking zombie animation, attach the the SimleAnimation.lua script set Sequence to 0 and in the script draw bit relpace with this --self.entity:SetAnimationFrame(8,1,1) local t = Time:GetCurrent() self.entity:SetAnimationFrame(t/100.0*2.8,1,0) This should put you on the right track for other animations.
  21. Following Aggrors tutorials will be a great start, http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6217-c-lua-and-editor-tutorials/
  22. You can only make games for windows, support for other platforms was dropped due to not enough demand.
  23. Some form of folder system would be good, essential for big projects. +1 for the eye icon. Also when you select an item in the scene panel its hghlighted in a blue but when you select it in a scene window its a light grey and can be hard to spot, can this be changed to blue as well.
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