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Everything posted by karmacomposer

  1. I have solved my problem by dumping 3D World Studio and using DeleD instead. Mike
  2. I have decided to dump using 3D World Studio (sorry Josh), I just could not get scaling correct and texturing was just wrong. Instead, my workflow, which I have now figured out, will be DeleD for all scene creation and the Collada exporter plugin with a scale of .05 for massive models, .03 for medium sized models and .01 for normal sized models (based on how they look inside of Leadwerks), UU3D Pro is then used for exporting to .gmf and converting all textures to .dds. This combination works perfectly for me and also scales the textures with the models. DeleD has a lightmapper built in. Mike
  3. No, i'm actually serious. In my maps folder is the tunnel, arctic and road maps. No island. I remember it from a long time ago and was very surprised it is not available. Do YOU know where the link is. I did a search through these forums, but I could not find a download link. Mike
  4. I'm creating 3d objects for my story/game and I noticed I could lightmap the objects and bake it in. However, is this counterproductive in Leadwerks? What do you think?
  5. Hmmm. Texture did not scale down for me. Mike
  6. Hmmm. 128 to 1. So in 3D WS it's 128 times larger than in LE. How do I scale 128 down in LE? Mike
  7. No. This is just a segment. I am creating pieces and then assembling them in LE. Right now, if I scale the model down, the textures don't scale with it. So I have these huge rivets (metal texture with rivets) and disproportionate texture in a smaller corridor, but its still too large. How do I do this so that I can create a corridor in 3D WS and bring it into LE at the proper scale? The 3D WS to UU3D pipeline does import into LE fully textured. I can convert textures to .dds files with LE tools, but I have no clue how to create a .mat file! Mike
  8. What 3-cube thingy? Where in 3DWS is there a 3-cube thingy? Mike
  9. Dennis, You are right. I tried that before I read your solution and it worked perfectly. Now - SCALE. Has anyone figured out a good way to scale DOWN a scene made in 3DWS for use in Leadwerks? The corridor I made is GINORMOUS. Would be great for a massive ship scene, but the textures are too lo-res for that. What texture size would you need for a REALLY large corridor? 4096x4096? Mike
  10. I'm having the reverse problem. Anything I create in 3DWS and texture inside it does not import into Leadwerks engine properly, even though all textures are inside the same folder are converted to .dds Any thoughts? Mike
  11. I recently downloaded the latest version of 3DWS from Leadwerks and installed it. Now that it can export to .gmf it makes it a very important tool for me. I created a simple corridor and textured it with my own textures and one that was included with 3DWS. So, there are a total of two to three textures. I exported to .gmf and opened the Leadwerks editor. I dragged and dropped the corridor and all I got was a 100% white object. I fixed it. Exporting from 3DWS to .x format and then bringing that into UU3D and exporting as .gmf fixed it. Now - SCALE. It's just too darn big. However, if I wanted it to be that big, what texture size would work? 4096x4096? What is the largest texture size Leadwerks can handle? How do I get the bump and normal map to show up in Leadwerks? Mike
  12. This has been brought up, but no resolution seemed to be posted. Where can someone d/l the last version of that awesome island demo. I've been using Leadwerks since 1.0, but did not save the installations due to space requirements. Does anyone have it? I also noticed a GORGEOUS version with a very realistic ocean somwhere on this forum, is that version available? Thanks. Mike
  13. That deserved a "duh". I never thought about just downloading a new version. I didn't think there was one. That was easy. Mike
  14. Besides the built-in one, is there a better editor (code complete, highlighting, etc) for use with Leadwerks. I am going to take the plunge and learn a new scripting language and I have decided Lua is it. Is there a full Lua FPS script available for Leadwerks so I can learn it? Is there a script repository for Leadwerks and does it only have c++ or does it have Lua snippets as well? Why is this link: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/programming/lua/ broken? It's on the main website documentation. Why would it be broken? Thanks. Mike
  15. I read in an older thread that there is a custom version of 3D World Studio that can export to .gmf format. Where can I get this version or the exporter plugin if there is one? I do own a full version of 3D World Studio. Thanks. Mike
  16. How about creating a little mini-tutorial on how to create and implement a skybox in Leadwerks 2.5? I can create graphics, but I have yet to delve into Leadwerks at all. Currently, I WAS using the S2 engine, but their development has slowed down so much as to be stale, that it is as of yet unuseable for my purposes. However, their sky and sun is the best I have EVER seen (www.s2powered.com). How can I create that multi-layered real-life sky and atmosphere in Leadwerks? Mike
  17. Thanks. I am preparing to attempt to program Leadwerks in PureBasic and I need all the commands so I know what to port, as well as how to program it. Mike
  18. Thank you!! Is anyone working on an update, I wonder? Is the HTML Wiki reference on the Leadwerks site more up to date? Mike
  19. Thank you VERY much! One last request. Is the index, command reference/programmer's guide and tutorial text also available in pdf format? Thanks. Mike
  20. Does anyone know if the Leadwerks manual is available as a pdf? If not, i'll print to a pdf and make it available to anyone that wants it. I just want to be able to print it and put it in a 3-ring binder. Mike
  21. Josh or anyone, I want to use PureBasic, which CAN load c++ static libraries, but WHAT files do I load? This would be the code to load a static c++ library in PureBasic: Import "MyStatic.lib" fnFunction() endimport What lib or .dll do I put there? Are there multiple files that need to be loaded or called? Any help is appreciated. I assume once loaded, the commands for Leadwerks can then be used (within the proper syntax of PureBasic). Mike
  22. I did import it and set properties. In game play mode, player character in editor just walks right through it. I've tried every collision setting! Now what? Mike
  23. I, too, cannot get collision to work with a house model. I did what was mentioned above and tried each and every collision type. None worked. I tried using Phygen - the resulting file, when copied to the proper place, didn't seem to do anything (and I did shut the engine down and restart it). Any help would be appreciated. Mike.
  24. Let me know if another community project pops up - I will definitely be able to help with music scoring and sound effects / speech Mike
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