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Everything posted by karmacomposer

  1. Ultra Engine client will not run for me. I double click the application icon and nothing happens. Ultra Engine Building software works fine. Windows 11 ASUS ROG ScarStrix 64gb ram, 1tb ssd, GeForce RTX 3080 Mike
  2. I am sorry to be so dim. Uninstall button where, exactly and which dropdown box? Is this a github thing? Mike
  3. I only have first person scripts in there. No third person and no VR, Mike
  4. I would like to create third person games with a character as player. Is there a Lua camera/player script available for Leadwerks/Ultraengine? Thanks. Mike
  5. I am trying to import assets and if I am in a blank area of the grid it draws whatever primitive is selected, which is incredibly annoying. If I am trying to import, move, scale or rotate assets, I do not want to be drawing primitives like cubes or spheres. Also, I cannot seem to move imported assets in the quad view - they disappear and no move gizmo appears. We need a move gizmo and the assets need to not be hidden on the screen in the quad view. It would also be nice to be able to sync the four views so when you move an asset, it moves in all views. Mike
  6. OK, I found the problem. I accidently saved as a text and not binary version. Now it works. However, another problem. When I drag and drop an asset into the editor, I cannot delete it. I think it's a bug. Mike
  7. I created a folder in my project called assets and put a gltf asset with texture in there and nothing happened. I cannot choose it in the editor. Now what? Mike
  8. I know it's early but when will VR export become available. I have an Oculus 3 and I'd like to test out PCVR with it using ultra engine. Thank you. Mike
  9. I feel like a noob. How do I import a 3D asset (Glib) into Ultra Engine? I'm just testing the engine now that I installed it. Everything is running nicely, but after converting a simple asset to Glib, I cannot find a way to import it. Is there a batch import feature? I seem to remember Leadwerks being able to do that. I have tons of assets and importing them one-by-one would be a pain. Thank you. Mike
  10. And where do we download this .dll and where do we put it? Mike
  11. I purchased the pro edition - non-steam. Can't wait to get started! Mike
  12. How can I get in on this? Where do I purchase? Can I buy the non-steam version and if I do, will I receive a STEAM Key or do I need to buy two copies? Thanks.
  13. Turns out I bought the Ultra App Kit, whatever that is (lol), on STEAM. As a purchaser of Leadwerks engine, is there an upgrade path? Mike
  14. I have been a long time supporter and purchaser of Leadwerks and also bought the Ultra Edit product (pre-purchase). Is there a upgrade path to Ultra Engine? Thanks. Mike Felker
  15. If I want to use smooth locomotion and not teleport, how would I call this upon joystick movement? I know it involves VR:SetOffset or VR:GetOffset. Further, I can enter the VR world, but teleport nor locomotion work at all. I can walk around the world physically. How do I activate teleport and locomotion with the joystick controllers? Mike
  16. I want to emulate a dimensional rift - and perhaps a chromatic aboration (sp) effect would do it - some way of glitching the entire screen. How could I accomplish this in Leadwerks 4.x? Mike
  17. If this will be available in Lua then I will buy right away - Lua I can program I will also purchase LE5 Pro when available. I am heavily leaning towards VR and specifically Oculus Quest game design - which can play games on STEAM using either the cable or Virtual Desktop - which works great for me. Mike
  18. I am using Leadwerks 4.x pro and would like to pre-purchase Leadwerks 5 pro and the new Ultra App Kit. Where can I buy them. I’ve looked for links to buy and have not found any. ’Thanks. ‘Mike
  19. I love Leadwerk’s terrain tools, but I would very much like to make my terrain more realistic without importing a height map. Is there a way to paint weathering effects such as fluvial or other striations that happen over time? Rough terrain is more realistic than nice smooth terrain. How can I roughen it up a bit? Other terrain editing apps use stamps to allow for various terrain effects. Does Leadwerks have stamps (essentially black and white picture files that allow you to ‘stamp’ the terrain like a cookie cutout)? Thanks. Mike
  20. What software did you use to create new skyboxes? Vue? Mike
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