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Everything posted by karmacomposer

  1. Wall thickness becomes important when doorways and windows are needed. I'd like to know more about the downside of modelling a level entirely in Modo and then bringing it into LE3 for use - will collisions work properly? How about lighting and physics? This is how I planned on created very complex levels. The built in editor, at the moment, is good for simple stuff, but very complex modelling would take 4ever! Mike
  2. If I import a terrain mesh in Leadwerks 3, is it deformable? Mike
  3. That would be awesome. Since Lua does not have a visual IDE, I could see no way to create on-screen forms, buttons, etc. I cannot program in c++, so I cannot use Visual Studio for that (possibly Visual Basic, but definitely not c++) and hence, no forms, buttons, etc. I look forward to seeing your GUI system in action. Whether you share or sell it, I am sure it will be worth it. Let me ask, though. If I create my own buttons, sliders, knobs, etc. does LE3 have the Lua commands to go to web addresses and create links from images? If so, I can certainly see creating my own form designer. Of course, the more I think about it, doesn't Lua already have HTML-like commands for linking to web pages or other stuff. I am sure it does. Mike
  4. TY TY TY! Looks REALLY GOOD! Can't wait for the tutorial. Mike
  5. Not sure if this is a bug, but I have to close out LE3 and re-run it to create a new material properly. Here is what happens: I right click and CREATE NEW MATERIAL. I load in a diffuse, normal and specular map (all .jpg files) and choose a Dynamic diffuse, normal and specular shader and then save it. If I right click and create a new material, it renames an existing material instead of creating a new material. If I try to edit the one it changed or rename it back, it crashes. When I close the program and re-open it, now I have my original materials and a new one with a default name (usually new material or something like that). I have hundreds of materials to create. Having to save my work, close the program, open it up and go where I left off is VERY time consuming and annoying. Mike
  6. I will need many emergency lights for my next game project. I would like to have the rooms very dark and the red emergency lights visibly lit and rotating. Is it possible to have 'beams of light' rotating in Leadwerks 3? Mike
  7. And how did you solve this? Enlighten us. Mike
  8. Cool. I'll try that. I have both VS2010 Pro and VS2012 Pro paid. Mike
  9. I will tell you that I copied a folder with FBX models and their associated textures in jpg format and all were converted automatically. What was NOT converted or created were materials, so I have to create each one by hand which is a TOTAL pain in the tush! Is there not a batch material converter/creator? Mike
  10. I have a bunch of jpg textures for floors and walls. They include normal and specular maps in jpg format. I can easily load in these textures, but a sphere is the only way to view the results. In the material editor, is there a way to change the sphere to other shapes like a plane, cylinder, torus, etc? How do I align images (textures) if they come in wrong or not as intended? Is there any tutorials on how to use the material editor? Lastly, is there any way to auto-batch create these materials? I have a TON of jpgs to deal with and I'd love to just have them automatically converted to .mtl files. The .tex files were automatic, as were the conversion of FBX models into LE3-specific models. It was AWESOME to see this happen as advertised. I just copied and pasted the folder with all FBX and textures into my Projects Models folder and they were dealt with automatically. NICE! Thanks. Mike
  11. Good point. LE2 had really nice water and a 3rd party solution that kicked butt. Will LE3 get the same treatment? Mike
  12. Great. So that would include ANY kind of shader, from post effects to water/ocean and anything else? Mike
  13. Are shaders available for LE3 now? If I import an object or level (in a 3D animation or modelling program), or even create one entirely in LE3's editor, and I want to make the floors, ceilings, etc. shiny or reflective, or add bloom, DOF or other elements to a scene utilizing shaders, can that be done and if so, how? Mike
  14. Funny enough - I had that on one of my computers and it failed. I installed the full version of Visual Studio Pro 2010 and it worked perfectly. I wonder if my Visual Studio Express 2010 was flawed? Mike
  15. I know that's there and I have zero problems with any of this since I have access to VS 2010, but for others buying the engine, shouldn't they know this VERY important fact? Just helping. Mike
  16. Excellent. I was very excited about Modo and was ecstatic when I was able to purchase it (and take advantage of their affordable promo for 701). Now I know I can ask questions and have at least a few people be able to answer. I look forward to discussing Modo topics with all of you. Mike
  17. Perhaps that should be VERY CLEARLY specified on the front of the site (although you did put the logo to VS on the front page). Just a suggestion. Mike
  18. Great, because I would like to use Leadwerks3 for one of my game ideas - I think it will work as long as SOME of it can be set in a space format (zero gravity, flight sim characteristics - but in space, etc). The rest of the game takes place on planets, so large-scale terrain is necessary and the rest LE3 can already handle. I assume displaying cut scenes and menus are all programmed in Lua? Mike
  19. So if I drag and drop a FBX file, Leadwerks3 will automatically convert it to a .MDL with textures converted and animations intact? Mike
  20. Those instructions CLEARLY state that graphic and model conversion is handled AUTOMATICALLY by Leadwerks. If this is so, what is the necessary procedure to allow Leadwerks to AUTOMATICALLY convert the model and texture(s) to Leadwerk's file types? Mike
  21. Well, I downloaded and installed 2010 (I have a MSDN subscription). I compiled the project straight from creating a NEW project. Compiled perfectly. I guess I need to use 2010 to compile the project before I can start my Lua scripting. Mike
  22. I have Visual Studio 2012 Professional installed and I get tons of errors trying to compile the base solution after creating a new project in LE3 Project Manager. I noticed the tutorials all use VS 2010. Is that totally necessary to compile the new projects? Also, can one use another compiler, like Code : Blocks? Thanks for the speedy reply. Mike
  23. I, too, bought ACS. Looks VERY cool! Thanks for the info. I will share anything I discover. Mike
  24. Thank you. I will certainly take you up on your offer - if and when I have questions or get stuck. TBH, I would love to know the best (and easiest) pipeline using Modo with LE3 for characters (with animations), props and levels. Mike
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